- 2 - LZ2006/10/9 22:17:00
should I treat it as a kind of support?
I am not intending to make a offence
- 2 - LZ2006/10/9 22:22:00
I am more interested in yamap that's all. If I am not a little interested in J stars, I will not come to xq. only stay with bdmm should be easier.
- 2 - dear lz2006/10/9 22:27:00
by 51
It is more likely to be tease and sarcasm. At least p looked like uneasy and uncomfortable.(even make me recall his expression on Hey3. or I am too sensitive?)
you are really too 'sensitive'
omg!!this must be the most entertaining post for today
i can't stop laughing at all
P and 51 pls help me~~~~~~~
- 2 - surprise2006/10/9 22:33:00
- 2 - LZ2006/10/9 22:37:00
- 2 - 唯饭2006/10/9 23:17:00
you ren shuo kan bu de wo da ying wen, yao wo yong pin yin. na wo jiu yong pin yin le.
wo hai zhen shi yi ge p fan, chu le loli dian, bie de hai shi hen cheng zhi de(jiu shi mei you ko bh.
我还真是一个p饭,除了loli点,别的还是很称职的(就是没有ko bh)
zhe ge dao shi hen you shui fu li.
zai xq qian shui zhe me jiu, shi zai shi fa xian da jia yao deng dao kuai fan ye le cai kai shi shuo you guan zhu ti de hua.
(zhe yang da zi, da jia hui bu hui tong teng? wo shi nan fang ren, suo yi pin yin hao xiang ye bu tai hao. dui bu zhu le, deng ming tian yong laptop jiu bu hui bei ren ma le. )
这个倒是很有说服力,在xq 潜水这么久,实在是发现大家要等到快翻页了才开始说有关主题的话。(这样打字,大家会不会头疼?我是南方人,所以拼音好像也不太好。对不住了,等明天用laptop就不会被人骂了)
gan qing wo dou gen ta you yi pin le.
wo zhen shi chu xi le
ms像我这样有点无聊,但是我想说,虽然那个语言~~~但是i am po说话还是有点厉害的,看起来温和,黑ko,fpjj都是不含糊啊。