Life and Death, Love and Pain




楼主 天佑中华2008/5/17 22:33:00

Life and Death, Love and Pain

Snapshots of the Sichuan Earthquake




Dear all, we have started translating some stories about the 7.9 earthquake in Sichuan, China, where some of our hometown is. These trivial stories are not published by the mass media, yet they are all examples of admirable human spirit and emotion.

We would appreciate it greatly if these stories could be forwarded to your friends, who may only know the death toll of these earthquakes. The predicted death toll is up to 50,000. It is a great tragedy, but everyone lost to us are not just mere numbers. They are lives, they are places that we have walked in, people we have talked to, air that we have breathed. We are connected by blood. They are not just numbers.

We hope to let more people know more about this period of struggle, beyond the death toll and financial damage. If these stories touch you, we hope you could respond in some way. It may be humanitarian aid in any way, or letting your friends and family know these stories, or simply just appreciating loved ones and letting them know you care. My dear friends, we thank you for your time and support, and hope that these beautiful souls in heaven, and the determined survivors have touched you.

Thank you.


2 天佑中华2008/5/17 22:38:00


1. For those in USA who care about tax-benefit and expect company matching, please make donation to Mercy Corps at

1.a. World Vision Emergency Relief effort for victims of the earthquake in China:

World Vision is a well-respected Christian organization.

1.b. Samaritan's Purse ( is another well-respected Christian Relief organization.

Just select "China Earthquake".

2. For those in Canada who care about tax-benefit and expect company matching, please make donation to Canada Red Cross at

Just select "China Earthquake".

3. For those who do not care about tax-benefit, please join any legitimate local fund drive or donate directly to China Red Cross at

3.b? Hong Kong Red Cross at

3 翻译小分队2008/5/17 23:01:00








得很香,这个7斤2两的小家伙并不知道,自己竟然跟这场特大地震扯上了关系,成为一个出生在防震棚里的小“震生”。 ...

Lucky survivor recalls her ordeal: We were singing under the rubble
15th May 2008, 07:12, Xinjing News

Just two days ago on 12th of May, around 2:30pm, Li An-ning, a freshman, was studying geography in her classroom at Beichuan First Secondary School. All of a sudden, the classroom started shaking. Li An-ning recalls that she was on the 4th storey, and in less than 20 seconds, the building collapsed, with the three upper floors caved in.

In the faint light, Li An-ning saw her classmate, Li Yuan-feng. As he was on classroom duty that day, he was dressed in white. Li Yuan-feng was still sitting upright. "I clutched his hand and shouted his name. But there was no reaction. Initially, his hand was still warm, but it became cold after a while."

Li An-ning was trapped, and unable to move. She could only shout the names of her classmates. Three other classmates were lying near her, but she could not reach them. She later found out that all three girls had died.

She was in the darkness for a long time. Li An-ning estimates it to be around 10 hours. Some classmates gradually woke up, and started shouting. One shouted, "Freshman class seven, we have to get out of here. Hold on." Someone else shouted, "We have to study hard once we get out of here."

"I have no idea who started, but we who are still alive started singing. We sang a lot, all of us together, singing popular songs." Li An-ning says that her most vivid memory was singing a song by Guang Liang, titled <Fairytale>. One of the verses went, "The ending is bliss and happiness."

4 翻译小分队2008/5/17 23:08:00

战士跪了下来:求求你们让我再去救一个 [转]

作者:由聪 2008-05-15 14:59:42 发表于:博客中国











Rescuer fell to his knees: please let me save one more!

by Cong You, May 15th, 2008 14:59:42, posted on BlogChina

I finally just got in touch with a friend, a reporter who once interviewed me, in Sichuan. She had just came back from Mianzhu. This petite girl told me the situation by phone, which she saw with her own eyes. She summed it up in one phrase: the end of the world.

She said she almost could not work, and the tears would not stop. It was too miserable. Debris scattered everywhere. The rescuers were searching for people frantically but usually could do nothing much help. The photographer with her just took one photo before putting the camera aside to join in the rescue effort. It was a situation where anyone could not just stand aside and watch on idly.

She told me one scene she would never forget the scene at the site of one school. The main building had collapsed when the earthquake struck. As it was class time, more than 100 primary school students were buried below. Rescuers saved less than twenty children and pulled more than thirty bodies from the rubble. Seeing the little bodies of such young children who would never open their eyes again, she said she suddenly lost the courage to speak.

However, during the key point of the rescue effort, an aftershock struck, and the rubble shifted. As the rescue team had utilized a crane to shift away some larger pieces of debris, the ruins could collapse again at any time. It was too dangerous to enter the ruins and the rescue team could very well lose their lives. The captain ordered the rescuers to immediately evacuate, and wait for the rubble to stabilize. But some rescuers emerged from the ruins, yelling that they had just found some children.

At that, a few rescuers were about to rush in without a second thought. Just at that point, a huge concrete slab shifted and was about to fall on them. The rest of the rescue team held on to them, stopping their rush into the rubble. As the rescuers were hauled out of the danger zone, a rescuer who had just carried a child out of the rubble fell to his knees, crying and pleading with the rescuers holding him back. "Please let me go back in! Please let me save one more! I can do it!"

This brought tears to everyone at the scene. There was nothing they could do but looked on helplessly as the ruins collapsed again. Finally, the children were dug out from the rubble, but only one girl was alive. Watching the young rescuer carrying the girl, shouting and running in the rain towards the medical tent, my friend was crying so hard she could not speak.

I was unable to imagine how this devastating scene, sorrowful enough as a tale, would play out before my eyes. I just know that it did happen, and now across the areas struck by this earthquake, similar scenes are replaying themselves over and over again. In this night,? as I sit here in my comfortable room, it struck me for the first time that I should do something. Even though I am unable to be at the frontline, is there anything else I can do for them?

Thus I wrote this blog entry with tears in my eyes. I know one blog entry would be of little practical use to them, but it is the fastest thing I could think of, the first thing I could do. One entry might not have much power, but I could at least draw more attention to the situation. There can only be more things to do after I accomplish the first, then the second, and the third...

5 翻译小分队2008/5/17 23:14:00

抢救人员发现她的时候,她已经死了,是被垮塌下来的房子压死的,透过那一堆废墟的的间隙可以看到她死亡的姿势,双膝跪着,整个上身向前匍匐着,双手扶着地支撑着身体,有些象古人行跪拜礼,只是身体被压的变形了,看上去有些诡异。救援人员从废墟的空隙伸手进去确认了她已经死亡,又在冲着废墟喊了几声,用撬棍在在砖头上敲了几下,里面没有任何回应。当人群走到下一个建筑物的时候,救援队长忽然往回跑,边跑变喊“快过来”。他又来到她的尸体前,费力的把手伸进女人的身子底下摸索,他摸了几下高声的喊“有人,有个孩子 ,还活着”。

If You Live Through This, Please Remember that I Love You

In the?Sichuan?earthquake, a friend was fortunate enough to survive, walking out of the ruins alive and with a story. It was a story that surfaces in every disaster, a story so common, yet it touches us all while we go about our lives.

When the rescuers found her, she was already dead, crushed by the collapsed building. They could see her through the debris, on her knees with hands flat on the ground, holding up her body. It was almost as if she was bowing ceremoniously, but her body was misshapen, crushed by the building. Rescuers reached a hand in to check that she was dead, shouting and using a stick to lightly knock on the bricks, waiting for a reply or some sign of life from her that never came. When the group turned their attention towards the next pile of debris, the team leader suddenly rushed back, shouting, "Over here, hurry!" He once again stopped in front of her body, trying his best to reach a hand in to feel the ground sheltered by her torso, shouting, "There's someone here, a child, still alive!"

The rescuers worked to move the debris carefully, finding her child sheltered beneath her torso. A baby, about four months old, wrapped in a red blanket with stitched with yellow flowers. Sheltered by his mother's body, he was unscathed. They carried him out from the debris, sound asleep, his sleeping face warming the hearts of everyone at the scene in the face of death.

A doctor rushed over, undoing the blanket to check for signs of injury on the baby. He found a handphone stuffed under the blanket, and instinctively glanced at the screen. There was a message on the screen, "My darling child, if you live through this, please remember that I love you." Despite having seen death countless times, tears rolled down the doctor's face. The handphone was passed around, evoking tears from everyone at the scene.

The young mother must have tried calling for help using the handphone, but in disasters of this scale, telecommunications often fail. She spent her last moments leaving a message for her beloved child.

6 翻译小分队2008/5/17 23:17:00

2008年05月15日09:39   南方报业网—南方日报

学生哀求“叔叔别锯我的腿” 战士含泪救援

?? “叔叔,别锯我的腿,我宁愿自煞!”昨日(14日)下午,12岁的北川县曲山小学东学区四(3)班学生李月,用哀求的语气和一旁的叔叔李宗刚说


??? 记者摸着巨石,踩着泥泞,手脚并用,好久才能下到几十米深的县城。当记者进人灾后的川北县城时,实在不敢相信眼前的惨状:整个县城内的楼房几乎无一完整,大部分被夷为平地、一片狼藉,几处废墟还冒着浓浓的黑烟。抗震救援的车队、人群不时掠过。
??? 而更令人恐惧的是,每一处堆积如山的废墟下,都可能埋着受困的群众。据了解,这个拥有1万多人口的小城,目前确切证实成功逃生的仅4000余人。县城里已基本没有了道路,救援者只能在山坡、水沟、河床里摸索前行,迎面而来的则是一批批撤离的受灾群众。
??? 北川县是全国唯一的羌族自治县,曾以山清水秀而闻名,现在却变得惨不忍睹。此次地震为何后果惨烈?记者了解到,由于这里低洼,三面环山,一面环水库,加之处于地震带,如有意外,如山体滑坡,躲都没法躲。


??? 52岁的肖四平的8个亲人在这次地震全部没有了。是哪8个亲人?老婆、小孩、大舅子、家里老人……他当着记者的面算了5分钟,但算来算去就是算不清楚。最后,他突然哭了,眼泪止都止不住。

The Student Implored "Uncle, Please Do Not Amputate My Leg'. The Soldier Rescued Him, Crying.

May 15th, 2008,?Nanfang Daily

"Uncle, please do not amputate my leg! I'd rather kill myself!"Yesterday (14th) afternoon, Li Yue, a 12 year-old student of Class 3, Grade 4 of the Qushan Primary School in Beichuan County, pleaded with solider Li Zonggang beside him. Little Yue had been?trapped in the rubbles and could not?move, while Li Zonggang stood next to the pile of rubble, eyes full of tears.

The County Has Been Razed to the Ground.

With hands on the huge stones and feet?soaked in?mud, the reporter could only pick his way through the mud and debris slowly?to enter a county that is located several meters below. When our reporter entered the stricken region of Beichuan County, he could hardly believe his eyes at?the miserable scene: not one of the buildings in the county was still intact,
with almost every one them razed to the ground. There?was debris?all around, black smoke rolling up from stacks of?rubble, rescue?vehicles and?people passing him in a frenzy to rescue the victims.

To add to the horror, under every?pile of?rubble, there could be someone trapped beneath. According to the reports, only 4,000 out of 10,000 that lived in the county have escaped from the tragedy that struck.

There was no proper road left in the town now, and the rescuers have to?clutch at the mountain slopes, drains and riverside to?move?on, in opposite direction to the groups of survivors evacuating the county.

Beichuan County, which is the only autonomous county of the Qiang Ethnic in China, used to be famous for its beautiful scenery, but now,?it was only a scene from hell. Why did this earthquake bring such?devastating result? Our reporter noted that, the Beichuan County is geographically low-lying, surrounded by mountains and facing a reservoir. When the earthquake happened, there was?no way to escape from the?devastation and the inevitable landslides that followed.

To Escape from the Earthquake I Have to Run from One Mountain to Another.

52-years-old Xiao Siping has lost all of his 8 relatives in the earthquake. Who are the 8 relatives? His wife, children, wife's older brother, elder people in the family...He shakily tried to list them out for our reporter, but after five minutes he gave up in confusion.?He suddenly burst into tears,?unable to hold?in his emotions any longer.

7 翻译小分队2008/5/17 23:19:00




Tomorrow, I'll be heading to Wenchuan (editor comment: the epicenter)

I am a surgeon, currently in Beijing after resigning from my job in Liverpool yesterday. My hometown is in Sichuan. There was no way I could just watch quietly overseas. I had to come back. I had to be at the frontline. On the 12th of May, a 7.8 earthquake struck my hometown. I have no idea what my hometown looks like now, but I do know that my parents, the people who gave me life and brought me up, have already died in the earthquake. My uncle told me this, news that I would gladly forgo hearing, or even letting it occur, in my entire life. My son keeps asking, what about Grandpa and Granny? Will there
be danger? I have no idea what to tell him. I cried for a day, smoked two packs of cigarettes, and finally decided that I had to go back. I'll apply for leave, or even quit my job. No matter which, I was going home. I have lost my parents, but I had to go save other parents. I have not lost my son, I have to use my abilities to ensure that other sons and daughters would be with their parents. I am back, but the rescue teams have already left. I called up several hospitals, they all told me that the rescue teams have already left. That's fine, I'll go by myself. I have booked a ticket to Chengdu at 8am tomorrow. From there I'll go to Dujiangyan, and from there, to Wenchuan, the heaviest-hit area.

I have stopped crying. I am grateful to my parents. They toiled with their hands to give me all the skills I have. I couldn't save them, but I can save other parents. Dad, Mom, your son is paying respects to you. Hopefully, you can see it from heaven. Your son is not a wastrel. Your son will let you continue smiling, even in heaven.

May Heaven protect us Chinese.

8 翻译小分队2008/5/17 23:24:00


作者:王仓盛 2008-05-15 09:31:02 发表于:博客中国






This is the Prime Minister we adore

On 14th May, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao arrived in Beichuan, Sichuan to visit the victims in the morning, holding two young children fortunate to escape the collapsing of their school close to him.

"Our Prime Minister is crying," Qimeng, a journalist at the scene said. He stood near the remainder of what used to be a primary school, and shouted into the rubble, in a hoarse choked voice, to encourage the victims trapped beneath.

There were at least 300 students trapped beneath the rubble, all in severe danger. Qimeng further reveals that when one resuce attempt failed, Wen climbed up the debris in the rain without hesitation to organise a second attempt.

At 10:28am, one survivor was found among the ruins. Wen climbed to the spot where the child was to help with clearing the debris. When he saw the rescue teams free two trapped children, he was moved to tears.

"Collapsed, ruined houses can be rebuilt. As long as we?are alive, we can definitely overcome this severe natural disaster." said Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.

9 翻译小分队2008/5/17 23:27:00







Please Go and Save Others: Request from a 11 Year-old Girl who Survived with a Bone Fracture

May 16th, 2008, INGPAO Hong Kong

"Thank you! Thank you for your medical treatment! But please don't leave so many people with me; please go, and save others!" Kang Jie, a 11 year-old girl, who studied in the Yingxiu County of Sichuan Province, was buried under the debris of the school building, fracturing her right leg.?Isolated from the outside for 3 days and nights,she was finally rescued by a helicopter and sent to a hospital in Chengdu for?further medical treatment?on the 15th May. While the team of??five doctors and nurses were sewing up her wound, Kang Jie, however, asked them to save other people first. Her strength and consideration moved the doctors and nurses to tears.

Kang Jie used to study in the sixth grade of a primary school in Yingxiu County. When the earthquake struck, the school buildings collapsed, and she was buried under the debris. Strenuously, she made great efforts and climbed out of the debris by herself. On the 15th when Kang Jie recalled in the hospital, she said at that time she heard the cries of some teachers. She and other survivors tracked down the cries, and?pushed aside the tiles and stones, and finally saved several of those teachers.

Kang Jie's injury is not as?minor as she makes it out to be. Her right leg is fractured, and there is an 8 centimetre wound which was cut by the tiles. She said sadly,"I met my Mum on the campus after the quake. Mum?had been lightly injured?but she told me that my Daddy had sacrificed his life trying to save other people!" Due to impaired transportation, mother and daughter were trapped in the razed county of Yingxiu for more than 70 hours, until the helicopters?arrived on the 15th.?Carrying her beloved daughter, Jie's Mother ran to the helicopter and handed her to the rescuers, choosing to stay in the stricken region.

Kang Jie was sent by the helicopter to the People's Hospital of Sichuan Province in Chengdu. There five doctors and nurses sewed up her wound, comforting her, "Don't be afraid. You're safe now!" The strong little girl even did not shed a tear, moreover, she said to the doctors and nurses, "Please don't leave so many people with me. Please go and save others!" Seeing how this little girl was?this strong?and considerate, everyone was deeply moved.

Hu Weijian, the Head Doctor says, the hospital have?treated 1,200 victims, among which 30% had fractures. Through days and nights, more than one hundred nurses and doctors have been guarding their posts, rescuing the injuries, with 500 surgeries conducted till now. Owing to the unblocking of more roads, Hu believes that in that there would be more victims sent to the hospital. He says the hospital has mapped out a systematic corresponding strategy?to cope?with the emergency.

Doctor Hu points out that, the emergency rooms and operating rooms have been emptied out for the massive number of injuries.?They have also lined out a Green Pass exclusively for the ambulances. "If there is a sudden?increase of casualties?being sent to the hospital, the volunteers would carry the casualties from the ambulances?into the hospital, leaving the ambulances free to head back to the stricken region to rescue more casualties."

10 鬼鬼2008/5/18 0:17:00




  • RP:754
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11 T T2008/5/18 0:24:00




12 找了点2008/5/18 21:38:00

Child, we will be together, next life-- In memory of the children died in the earthquake

author???? unknown (original language: Chinese) ,Translated by Rolphin,Proof-trans by yev

my child
hold on to Mommy's hand
the way to Heaven
is too dark
Mommy is afaid
you might lose your way

hold on to Mommy's hand
let Mommy leave the world together with you
the way to Heaven
is too dark

is afraid

can't find your hands


the light
had been taken away by the fallen walls
I can't
see your gentle eyes

go on
there's no more grief on the road ahead
no more textbooks you don't like
no more spankings from your loving Daddy

you must remember
the faces of your Mommy
and your Daddy
we will spend our next life

Mommy, Mommy
don't worry
I am not alone on the way
friends and classmates are here
Mommy, Mommy,
don't cry,
every mommy is our mommy,
every child has a mommy,
the life without me,
give your love to the surviving children

Mommy, Mommy
I don't want you to cry
tears can't lighten the way
this is our way
let us walk by myself
step by step

Mommy, Mommy
I will remember you and Daddy
I will remember our promise
live our next life

















































13 接上面的2008/5/18 21:47:00






莫非于 2008-5-22 0:39:00 编辑过本文

14 发布小分队2008/5/18 21:59:00

Mommy is waiting for you to return
Dedicated to the young lives lost at Juuyuan Middle School, Dujiangyan.
Yesterday was Mother's Day,
You made a greeting card for Mommy,
with your cute, colorful words inside:
"God is too busy
so he sent Mommy to take care of me
When I meet jo, someday,
I must tell him that
Mommy is the nicest angel."
The sun is shining today, bright and warm,
the world seemed to be spinning around
When I looked up,
I saw your smiling face soaring in the colorful sunlight.
you said nothing to me,
and left behind the schoolbag you always carry,
you left with the light, smiling,
no matter how hard I was crying for you.
It is dark, rain is falling
I saw people searching for you; they found your buddies in the rubble
But as for you, they still haven't got a clue.
my child, are you playing tricks on Mommy?
Did you forget the high school you wanted to go to,
that you have dreamt of for so long;
And the book you lost,
I found it for you, it was lying in the mud
You wanted to be the champion at the skateboard competition,
You wanted to have a flute solo at the Olympic opening ceremony,
You want to travel all over the world, to explore the mysterious places...
You still have a bet with Daddy about the podium results at the Olympics this year
But, we can't find you
Did you fly up to where God is to thank him personally?
You are still not back
though the rain pours harder and harder;
Stop this joke, my naughty child,
There are still a lot of things for you to do
There is no public transport to where God lives
I need you by my side.
I will be facing the east near our house, the remains of our house,
waiting for you,
I believe,
when the sun rises again,
you will be back riding the golden sunlight.
I will sit here, always be here,
till you come back.
Note: This poem was written in Chinese and posted on the Internet. During translation, we took some liberties with the structure to ensure the flow of words.
????? ——写给地震中死难的都江堰市聚源中学的孩子们

?2008-05-13 19:03:41 新浪网友 IP:219.145.168.*(陕西渭南):


15 发布小分队2008/5/18 22:36:00

  被困70多小时 废墟7孩童一起获救

说完这句后开怀一笑。来自北川本报专稿 侯玉才

7 Children Trapped for 70 hours: Shhh, Don't distract the uncles trying to save us
Beichuan local newspapers, by Hou Yucai
"Help, help… " Though every cry for help under the ruins of Beichuan was faint, they all belonged to victims determined to live. In the darkness, the trapped people under the rubble? in Bechuan Xianqu Primary School had been calling for help over and over again. After enduring the arduous 70-hour-long wait in the darkness, 7 children in Xianqu Primary School were given a second chance at life by the rescue team members from Yunnan Province. As there are still signs of life beneath the rubble at 1:30am, estimated to belong to at least 3 children, the rescue team are still fighting to rescue the trapped children as quickly as possible.
Despite the risk of a roof that could collapse any moment and the frequent aftershocks, the rescue team fought to save 7 children, working non-stop for almost a day. The cries of excitement, gratitude and love replaced deep sorrow and infected everyone around. It was not until 12-year-old Li Yue was successfully rescued did she let go of the rescuer Chen Zhen's hand. Since 7am, when he could not fufil her request to hear him sing a song, he had been grasping her hand. With his eyes filled with tears, Chen Zhen said, "She's a good girl, co-operating with our rescue efforts." He paused for while, and promised to sing the girl a song when she recovers. After hearing the voices of the medical team treating the girl, he ran back into the rubble without a moment of hesitation to help free the other children.
Seven lives:
?"It’s great to be alive after being buried for 3 days!"
The 3-storey building of Qushan Primary School had only 2 floors left after a landslide hit it. And among the rubble of the first storey were 7 lives. "Li Yue was buried in the corner unable to move,? while a boy in front of her died after being crushed by a fallen pillar." Chen Zhen recounted, showing a tender affection for the children.
"Examine the site and fight to save lives!" Shang Zhijun, the mission chief from one of the rescue group in Sichuan ordered. And the rescue team immediately headed into the rubble. Though the roofs had been supported by the roof bars, rescuers did not dare to further stress it, fearing a collapse. Shang Zhijun explained this to the reporter in a low but worried voice.
Around 7:30am, three rescue dogs were led into the rubble, and within a minute, they had accurately located the children. The barks of the dogs excited everyone present. “It’s great that she's alive after being buried for 3 days!” exclaimed an uncle of Li Yue in tears.
Li Yue and other 5 children were stuck between two floors, buried by innumerable bricks. As there was no space for the rescue equipments, Shang Zhijun firmly ordered the team to dig out the children bit by bit.
Amputation of Leg:
"Am I the bravest, uncle?”
By removing the debris, the space near Li Yue was widened. As her left leg was firmly trapped by the roof and unable to move, Li Yue’s shank had already turned black due to lack of blood circulation. And there were other kids with the same problem right behind her.
"Consider the possibility that? we need to amputate her leg!" After the medical staff from Navy General Hospital rushed over and inspected Li Yue, the doctor announced regretfully that there was no way they could still save the leg. Preparation was made after reaching the decision and the amputation began at about 11:10am.
"Li Yue is really a well-behaved girl and I covered her eyes with a piece of gauze. I didn't want her to see everything that went on." Chen Zhen's heart is still aching as he recalled sitting through the operation with the girl. Upon hearing the doctors talking about amputating her leg, the girl anxiously begged for them to not do so. Feeling helpless, Chan used a piece of gauze to cover her eyes, telling her that they were trying to free her. After her leg? was amputated, the girl was
carried out by rescue workers about 20 minutes later. As she was freed from the rubble,? she asked. “Am I the bravest? child?" Chen Zhen pressed his lips together and covered his eyes with his hands.
Waiting for help silently:
"Shhh, don't distract the uncles trying to save us."
Buried together with Li Yue were 6 other students. When the rescuers were working to save Li Yue, the other students were communicating in whispers. "Shhh, don't distract the uncles trying to save us." A girl whose family name is Huang tried to persuade the other kids.
At about noon, while the rescue team was still busily working, aftershocks hit the area and rocks rolled down from the hill some distance away. All these reminded them that aftershocks were still hitting the area.
The 7 students were finally successfully rescued after 8 or 9 hours of hard work. In the meantime, rescuers had saved another student from another pile of rubble. The team had been working for 3 entire days without rest, nor did they spare any time for hot meals. To save time, they filled their stomachs with only biscuits and mineral water. Yet amidst the rubble in Beichuan, they are as still energetic as before, devoting themselves to the people in the disaster area.
"Thank you very much!" An old man choked back his sobs and sincerely thanked the team after he was freed from the rubble. On the way back, the old man got on the line with his children who were heading for Beichuan and happily assured them that he was well and there was no need to worry about him.

16 发布小分队2008/5/19 9:32:00

    东方网5月16日报道 《难忘的一课》












做人工呼吸,按压心脏,最初的几分钟,李冬明还能摸到她脉搏的跳动,10 分钟后,脉搏没了反应。零时22分,一名医生向周围站立的队员们摇了摇头,2





的眼泪一滴滴落在女儿的脸上…… (本文来源:东方网 )

A Lesson I'll Never Forget

May 16th, 2008, Eastern Web

On the afternoon of 12th May, the Chinese teacher was conducting a lesson in class 4, 4th grade in Beichuan Qushan primary school. Just after the teacher wrote down the five words of the title on the blackboard, the earthquake struck. The entire class and the neighbouring class (class 3), both of which were on the first floor, were crushed by two collasping upper floors.

Fan Quanyan, a ten years girl from class 3 had already held on for nearly 60 hours in the ruins before she was rescued by the rescue team. Unfortunately, she? passed away 10 minutes later. The last few words she said were, "I’m so hungry I wanted to eat soil."

"She's just gone, her body is still soft, and she may come back again if we warm her body near the fire."

Li Dongming stopped the artificial respiration, looked at the girl’s dilating pupil, and covered her body with a shroud to a sea of despairing cries. This girl was only 10 years old, and had already fought with death for 57 hours. However, she was at her limits and passed away just 10 minutes after she was rescued.

"Help, Uncle help."

There were about 500 students in Beichuan Qushan primary school. After the earthquake, the entire school building collapsed. Classes 3 and 4 were crushed under the second and third floors. Only half of the 500
students escaped.

On the afternoon of 14th May, when the reporter arrived, he could hear the students' crying everywhere in the ruins. From the site of where class 3 was, a young girlish voice was screaming, "Uncle! Save me! Uncle! Save me!" This girl was Fan Quanyan. She was located at the back of the classroom, where her usual seat was. Her ankles were trapped, and above her was a concrete slab hanging precariously.

"I'm so hungry I wanted to eat soil."

Rescuers from different teams rushed over. However none of them were able to free the girl due to the lack of dedicated equipments. At 10pm, the rescue team from Yunnan arrived with equipments. The team members used special cutting and separating tools to enlarge the space where Fan Quanyan's ankles were trapped.

The rescue was a success after two hours. In the meantime, the girl who has not had anything to eat during the past 60 hours cried and said that she was very hungry. Five minutes later, after she shouted "I'm so hungry I wanted to eat soil." Those were her last words. At 7minutes past midnight, she was finally freed.

"Maybe she has just fallen asleep."

While the rescue teams were starting to celebrate their success, doctor Li Dongming from Mianyang hospital, realized that the girl's hands were pale, and was unconcious. Everyone started panicking again. Li Dongming continued doing the artificial respiration and cardio- pulmonary resuscitation for the little girl with two other doctors. During the first few minutes, he could still feel her pulse, 10 minutes later, her pulse disappeared. After another 20 minutes of first aid, one of the doctors stood up and shook his head. Doctor Li covered the girl's body with the shroud...

Fan Quanfeng, the girl’s father, could not accept this harsh truth. He and his relatives kept asking the doctors if his little girl had just fainted. "Maybe she had just fallen asleep," he said. Doctor Li lifted the shroud and checked again, the miracle did not happen; the little girl had passed away.

Everyone standing around the little girl's body, lost for words. A strong and tall rescue team member grasped the father's hands and kept saying. "I am sorry. I am so sorry..."

"She may come back again if we warm her body near the fire."

Looking at the little girl's body, the father could do nothing except cry. He said, "She was so independent and did everything by herself. I do not even know what she likes and what she wants to be in the future..."

This reporter gave the father a new coat. The father and his relatives put the coat on his girl, washed the girl’s face, and kept the girl's body near a strong fire outside the school compound. They just kept feeding the fire. Fan Quanfeng just kept rubbing the girl's hands to warm them up. "She has just passed away, her body is still soft, and she may come back again if we warm her body near the fire."? The father's tears dripped onto his little girl's cold face.

17 发布小分队2008/5/19 9:43:00



At that moment, he moved us all

Before this, I have only watched people in other places suffering from natural disasters on television.This time, however, I became one of the many victims of the Sichuan Earthquake.

A senior student in Southwest University of Science and Technology who survived the May 12th disaster recounted this tale to the press.

The victims from the south of the province had been arriving in Mianyang, a city in Sichuan. The schools were greatly damaged even in our city. Our university sent the student volunteers to the places where the victims are gathering. I was thus able to see the striking contrast between the ruthlessness of nature and the loving and caring nature of people. Our task was to transfer the clothes that people had donated from Nanhe Stadium to a temporary warehouse located in a car store. And there I found a young and energetic boy working conscientiously. On our way to the temporary warehouse, he told us that he is a Primary school student, Grade 6, living in Jingzhong Road. We immediately gave him a nickname "Alarm Bell" (Jingzhong means alarm bell in Chinese) - he is really a handsome boy! At the warehouse, he worked very hard and since it was rather hot, he took off his shirt and worked energetically.

After nearly an hour of hard work, he finally took a rest on a mat in the warehouse. What did I see when he rolled up his trousers?

He was injured in his left leg and it was stilled wrapped up in gauze!

Some volunteers went up to him and gave him a bottle of water...

After which, we realized in astonishment that he was also wounded in his right leg!

We were all shocked. What is it that enabled this Grade 6 student to work this long and hard, without the company of his parents?

One of my schoolmates sent him home later, worried about his injuries festering. We were intensely moved by this little boy. As a child born in an urban area, and probably the single child in the family, he is sure to be his parents' darling. However, his behavior proved that he is a strong and indepent boy instead of a spoilt brat.












18 发布小分队2008/5/19 10:25:00




救灾官兵冒雨救助受伤百姓 5月13日,救灾官兵在北川县冒着遭遇塌方和余震的风险,克服重重困难抢救受伤百姓。地震造成四川北川县老县城80%、新县城60%以上建筑垮塌,人员伤亡惨重。新华社记者杨磊摄

The rescuers working in the rain
On May 13th, despite the risk of collapse and aftershocks, the rescuers overcame all difficulties to rescue the injured. The earthquake caused the collapse of almost 80% of the buildings in old towns and 60% of the buildings in new towns. Many people died.

Photo by Yang Lei, Xinhua correspondent


都江堰:紧急抢救一名孕妇 5月14日凌晨4时,在四川省都江堰市观景路,来自山东的消防救援官兵设法从一栋被震毁的居民楼中解救一位怀孕8个月的孕妇。据救援人员介绍,解救工作已经进行了8个小时。因余震不断,楼房随时可能垮塌,还需要几个小时才能将孕妇解救出来。

Dujiangyan: Emergency Medical Treatment for an expectant mother
On Guan Jing Road in DuJiangYan, a expectant mother 8 months into her pregnancy in a collasped building was rescued by the team from ShanDong at 4 am May 14th.? The rescue work had already taken 8 hours. Due to aftershocks and fear of triggering a second collapse, it would take more time to rescue the mother-to-be.

?Photo source unknown. Please contact us if you know who the photographer is.


新华社照片,绵阳(四川),2008年5月14日  全力救援  5月13日,救援人员抬着一位幸存者爬上斜坡。

Mian Yang,? Sichuan

A casualty was carried on a stretcher up the slope by rescuers on May 13th.

Photo from Xinhua News Agency







北川中学的生命大营救   5月14日下午,救援人员在地震后的北川中学搜救幸存者。据现场医务人员统计,截至20时,救援人员当日在垮塌的校舍中营救出80余名师生。新华社记者 杨磊 摄

The Great Rescue in Beichuan Middle School
The rescue groups were working in Beichuan Middle School in the afternoon May 14th. Acccording to the statistics from the medical staff onsite, by 8 pm, almost 80 students and teachers were rescued from the collasped school buildings.

Photoed by YangLei, Xinhua correspondent


四川绵竹地震灾区救援工作紧张进行 5月14日上午,广东边防六支队官兵在绵竹市汉旺镇将一名受困44个小时的被埋居民成功救出。新华社发(王玉强 摄)

Rushing to rescue the casualties in Mian Zhu, Sichuan
A resident of Hanwang county in Mian Zhu, who was in trapped for 44 hours, being rescued.

Photo by Wang Yuqiang, Xinhua correspondent

19 发布小分队2008/5/19 10:35:00


绵竹汉旺镇:祖孙俩成功获救 5月14日晚,消防抢险队员在四川绵竹市汉旺镇将1岁女孩沈天奇从废墟中成功救出。四川汶川地震导致绵竹市汉旺镇建筑物大面积垮塌,许多楼房住宅严重扭曲变形,不少人被埋在废墟中。1岁女孩沈天奇和外祖母江义俊在废墟中顽强存活50多个小时后,被消防抢险队员成功救出。新华社记者 李明放 摄

Grandmother and grandchild rescued successfully
It was a miracle that an one-year-old girl was rescued from the ruins in Han Wang Town, Mian Zhu, Sichuan by the rescuers in the evening, May 14. The Wenchuan earthquake has caused the widespread collapse of the buildings. Many houses distorted out of shape, and most people were buried in the ruins. The one-year-old girl Shen Tianqi and her grandmother Jiang Yijun had been in ruins for more than 50 hours, until they were rescued finally.

Photo by Li Mingfang, a Xinhua correspondent


新华社照片,木鱼镇(四川),2008年5月14日青川县木鱼镇灾情惨重 5月14日,Wu_Police官兵在青川县木鱼镇中学搬运遇难者遗体。木鱼中学一幢学生宿舍倒塌,***名学生仅有139人逃出,在随后的搜救中有84人生还,截至目前确认178人死亡,20多人下落不明。汶川地震造成青川县房屋严重受损,80%以上房屋垮塌,木鱼镇等乡镇损失尤为惨重。新华社记者 刘奕湛 摄

Mu Yu Town, SiChuan May 14th: suffering the great damage of the quake
The police were removing bodies from what used to be? Mu Yu Middle School. A dormitory building of the? school collapsed. Only 139 students got away. The rescue work saved 84 lives. It is confirmed that at least 178 people died, with more than 20 people still missing.? The WenChuan earthquake has caused the serious collapse in Qingchuan town. Over 80% buildings in Qingchuan collapsed. The damage in Muyu town is much more severe.
Photo by Liu Yi zhan, Xinhua correspondent


新华社照片,汶川,2008年5月14日汶川县映秀镇伤员救助工作全面展开 5月14日,救援的直升飞机在汶川县映秀镇中学外的空地上救助伤员。当日,汶川县映秀镇伤员救治工作全面展开。新华社记者 袁满 摄
Rescue work started in Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan Count, on May 14,2008
The medical helicopter treating the injured on the open space outside the middle school of Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan on May 14th.
Photo by Yuan Man, a Xinhua correspondent

新华社照片,北川(四川),2008年5月14日爱心无国界 5月14日,来自美国的医学博士孙柏安在北川县协助医生救治伤员。几名在四川等地工作和学习的美国人得知四川发生严重地震的消息后,相约为北川县地震重灾区送去急救用品,并利用自己的专业技能为灾区救援工作服务。新华社记者焦卫平摄

BeiChuan, SiChuan: love from the world
Medical professor Sun Bo’an from America treating the injured in Beichuan. Upon hearing about earthquake, several Americans working and studying in Sichuan sent first-aid supplies and contributed their medical skills.
Photo by Jiao Weiping,? Xinhua correspondent.


新华社照片,什邡(四川),2008年5月14日  部队官兵什邡抢险救灾   5月13日,一名幸存儿童被救出。  目前,已有多支Jie_Fang_Jun、Wu_Police部队官兵抵达四川什邡市进行抢险救灾。  截至5月14日16:50,什邡市确认遇难2500余人,接受医疗重点救治3000余人,其他伤员上万人,下落不明、失去联系3万余人。目前,什邡市食品、饮用水、药品、帐篷等物资严重短缺。市粮食局已组织成品粮油650吨,在市区设立了4个供应点,并按指挥部指令分别向红白、蓥华、八角、皂角等乡镇灾民和救灾部队提供。  新华社记者李刚摄

Shifang, Sichuan on May 14th, 2008
A child was rescued on May 13th. Several rescue teams have arrived in and began rescue work at Shifang. On 16:50 May 14th, it was confirmed that at least 2500 in Shifang died, and around 3000 were seriously injured, with more than 10,000 people injured. More than 30,000 people are still missing. Currently, there is an acute lack of food, water, medicine, tents etc. Food Bureau has established 4 supply posts in the urban district with 650,000 KG of foodstuff and oil, which will be transported to the victims and rescue groups in HongBai, BaJiao, ZaoJiao etc.
Photo by Li Gang, Xinhua correspondent 


救援部队徒步进人震中灾区 5月14日,参加抗震救灾的Jie_Fang_Jun第三军医大学新桥医院医疗队的医护人员身负救灾物品徒步行军。目前救援部队已徒步进人震中区域汶川县映秀镇。新华社记者 袁满 摄

The rescue groups entering the disaster areas on foot.
On May 14, a medical team? from Xinqiao Hospital walked to the disaster areas with relief supplies. Now they are reaching the epicenter, Yingxiu Town, WenChuan, SiChuan.
Photo by YuanMan, Xinhua correspondent






20 发布小分队2008/5/19 10:51:00


2008-05-16 10:24:12 来源: 扬子晚报 网友评论 0 条 点击查看  
核心提示:谢守菊是北川县人民医院妇产科的医生,5月15 日下午,她在被海南地震救援队营救出来后,顾不上仍被埋在废墟里的丈夫,和救援队员一起加人了现场医疗队伍。

扬子晚报5月16日报道 谢守菊是北川县人民医院妇产科的医生,5月15日下午,她在被海南地震救援队营救出来后,顾不上仍被埋在废墟里的丈夫,和救援队员一起加人了现场医疗队伍。在北川新城区的救援现场,记者发现了一名穿着裙子的戴眼镜女子,记者上前一问,才了解到,她是刚刚被救援队员从废墟里营救出来的地震幸存者。在被埋了近三天之后,谢守菊依然毫发无损并且加人了救援队伍,这让现场的救援人员无不佩服。谢守菊告诉记者,发生地震时,她正躺在家里的沙发上睡觉,突然沙发翻了过来,就把她给盖在了下面。她知道救援队员会很快来营救他们,所以她当时并没有呼喊,保存了部分体力。在没有水喝的情况下,谢守菊还找到了一个器皿,接住了自己的尿,实在撑不下去的时候再喝。被埋后的第三天,谢守菊听到了外面有救援人员的声音,她拼命地用器皿敲墙,终于吸引了救援队员,将她从一楼的家中营救了出来。而谢守菊的丈夫则因为位置不太利于营救,估计生还希望渺茫。当谢守菊出来之后,她只喝了一罐八宝粥,就立即和身边的救援人员一起,投人了抢救伤员的战斗中。
(本文来源:扬子晚报 作者:裴睿)

Doctor buried for three days joins in rescue efforts immediately

16th May 2008


Xie Shou-juuu is an obstetrician from Beichuan's People's Hospital. She was rescued from the ruins of collapsed building by the Hainan rescue team on the afternoon of 15th of May. Despite the fact that her husband was still buried in the debris, she immediately joined the rescue team as a medical staff.

At the rescue site of Beichuan's XinCheng, reporters spotted this bespectacled lady in a dress. On approaching her, they realized that she was one of the fortunate survivors that had just been rescued. After being buried for nearly three days, Xie Shou-juu joined the rescue team without a second thought, to the admiration of everyone at the site.

Xie Shou-juu recounts that when the earthquake struck, she was at home, taking a nap on the couch. All of a sudden, the couch flipped over, trapping her beneath. She knew that rescue teams would soon be on their way, and conserved her energy by not shouting for help. To cope with the lack of water, she grabbed a container and collected her urine, drinking it only when the thirst was unbearable.

On the third day, Xie Shou-juu heard the voices of the rescuers. She frantically knocked the container against the wall,? and finally attracted the attention of the rescue team. They rescued her from the ground floor of the building. As her husband was at a less accessible location, chances of survival are slim. After Xie Shou-juu was pulled free from the debris, she only drank a can of porridge, and immediately joined in the rescue efforts.

21 发布小分队2008/5/19 11:04:00

奶奶用身体护孙女 爸爸又护住母亲女儿

5月13日下午15时30分,天降大雨,该团四连得知什邡市洛水镇一间倒塌民房内传出小孩哭声。五班班长何炎当即带上4名战士前往施救。赶到现场后,战士们听到废墟中传来非常微弱的哭声,马上甩开膀子挖掘通道、清除石块。经过40分钟的紧急挖掘,终于清除了表层建筑碎物。顿时,一幕感人的景象出现在战士们面前: 一个脸色惨白、目光呆滞的两岁小女孩在墙角舞动着小手,她身上压着一个面孔朝下的老妇人,老人身上还压着一个成年男子。男子全身几乎无一处完好,却生生顶住了塌下来的断梁;老人的头已经垂下没有任何反应,双手却紧紧将小女孩搂在身下…… 没有时间擦去夺眶而出的泪水,何炎赶紧上前将呼吸微弱的小女孩抱人怀中,跑步赶往灾区救护所。 据了解,那名老妇人,是小女孩的奶奶,成年男子是小女孩的爸爸。这一家三代的悲壮场景,感动和震撼了在场的战士们,传到部队后,更加激励官兵拼死奋战,尽快抢救出更多的被困者。

Familial love: Grandma shields granddaughter with her body, father protects his mother and daughter


On the evening of May 14th, a rescuer reported back to his team. The 2 year-old girl they saved was out of danger after receiving?medical treatment.


At about 3:30pm, May 13th , it was raining heavily. The rescue team were told that a baby was heard crying from the ruins of a collapsed house in Luoshui town, Shifang City. The captain of the rescue team He Yan rushed straight to the site, bringing with him another 4 rescuers. At the site, they could hear a very faint cry from the rubble. Without any hesitation, they dug a passage and cleared away the debris. After 40 minutes, they finally cleared the debris burying from the spot the cries emitted from. Before their eyes was an unforgettable scene.


A girl about 2 year-old was waving her small hands about with a dazed look in her eyes, her face white with exhaustion. Right above her was an old woman who was facing downwards, and? above her was a man tightly pressed against the old lady. The man's body was badly battered, holding up a broken beam. The old woman's head was drooping lifelessly, but her hands were still tightly clasping the young girl.


There was no time for He Yan to wipe his tears away. He hurried up to carry the little girl, who was barely breathing, and ran to the medical staff.


This reporter was informed that the old woman was the little girl's grandma and the man was the little girl's father. The tragic scene the rescuers saw touched them deeply. As the story was brought back to the team, they took it upon themselves to fight to save the victims still trapped in the rubble, motivated by the loving?sacrifices of the father and grandmother.

22 今天应该用灰色2008/5/19 11:23:00




  张锦富是彭州交警大队的一名交警,地震后,他受命奔赴维护彭州市人民医院“生命通道”的岗位。此时,住在乡下的老父亲因房屋墙壁垮塌,身受重伤,被邻居紧急送到彭州市人民医院抢救。 10米不到的医院坝子里,81岁的老父亲因为内脏受重伤大出血,生命垂危。如此生离死别的感觉对张锦富来说,如同煎熬。但由于“生命通道”岗位不能离开
??????? 5月12日,张锦富上过夜班后在家轮休,他上午到丽春镇乡下去探望了81岁的老父亲,中午回到位于湔江水泥厂宿舍的家。他刚躺下不久,忽然感觉到衣柜在摇晃,地震了!他一翻身就跳了起来,从二楼跑下去。 这时候,大楼里传来呼救声,一个四楼的女邻居在匆忙中摔倒,从四楼上一直滚到了三楼,四肢受伤不能动弹,张锦富和几个青壮年立即冲进大楼,将这个女邻居抬到了院子里的空地上。 这一切安定下来后,张锦富开始联系乡下的父亲和家人,这时电话已经打不通了。而单位的电话也打不通,他立即朝大队奔去,这时不少在休息的战友们都在没有接到通知的情况下纷纷赶回了大队。大队的90多名民警迅速集结,按照统一安排奔赴自己的管区,张锦富负责的则是这次抢救伤员的彭州市人民医院门口这条“生命通道”的畅通。张锦富没有想到,就在他冒险营救女邻居时,他远在乡下的老父亲张伯兴此时也在经历一场劫难,墙壁发生垮塌,老父亲被压废墟中,胸部严重受伤,好在邻居穆师傅发现及时,将老人从废墟中挖了出来,找了一辆汽车送往医院抢救,凑巧的是,邻居选择的医院正好是张锦富执勤的彭州市人民医院。 在医院忙于疏散、指挥的张锦富,在把一辆运送伤员的汽车疏导通后,他才发现车上血禸模糊的伤员竟然是自己的老父亲!来不及慰问、探望,一队队运送伤员的救护车相继涌来,医院的“生命通道”随时可能“梗塞”,张锦富转身立即投人到指挥疏导中,只能在短暂的空闲探头看看医院坝子里担架上的老父亲。父子俩相距的这10米距离,此时显得那么遥远。后来得到消息的姐姐、妹妹赶来医院照顾老父亲,张锦富这才稍微放心了些。由于伤情太重,老人随后被转移到成都的Jun_Qu医院抢救。救护车经过他的岗位时,张锦富敬礼为父亲送上了自己的祝福。

To save more lives: Forgive me Father, for I am a policeman

?As a traffic police of Pengzhou, Zhang Jinfu was arranged to ensure that the emergency green path which led to Pengzhou People's Hospital after the earthquake. At the same time, his elderly father in the countryside was badly hurt when his house collapsed, and was hurriedly sent to Pengzhou People's Hospital by his neighbors.

In a little yard at the hospital, the? 81 year-old father lay at death's door due to massive haemorrhage of internal organs. Almost losing a loved one to death was torturous to Zhang Jinfu, but he had to be at his post, ensuring the emergency green path was clear. He worked for 10 hours at a stretch and could not set aside time to take care of his injured father. With a hoarse voice and practised gestures, he kept his post at the gate of hospital.

On 12th May 2008, Zhang Jinfu was off-duty after the night shift. That morning he visited his elderly father in the countryside, Lichun town, and returned home at? noon. He was just about to take a nap when he felt the wardrobe shaking.? An earthquake! He jumped up from the bed and rushed out of the building immediately. At the same time, cries for help came from the building. One female neighbor fell over in her haste and tumbled down from the fourth storey to the third storey. She was so badly injured that she could hardly move. Zhang Jinfu, together with several young men, rushed into the building immediately and brought the woman out to safety.

After all these were settled, Zhang Jinfu tried to contact his father and other family members, but was unable to get through. He also tried to get in touch with his department but failed. He swiftly returned to his office and met with many his colleagues, most of who were off-duty and had not received any notification to gather. More than?90 traffic police assembled immediately, and headed off to each district assigned to them. His assignment was to keep the emergency green path free of unauthorised vehicles and ensure that the wounded could reachthe hospital in the shortest possible time.

Zhang Jinfu never expectated that his aged father in the country was also experiencing a disaster when he took risks saving his neighbor. His father was buried by a collapsed wall and seriously wounded in the chest. Fortunately, one villager realized and dug his father out, and sent him to the hospital.?The hospital was the one that the Zhang Jinfu was posted at all along.

Zhang Jinfu was busy directing traffic. As he directed a car carrying a casualty towards the hospital, he realized that the wounded man in the car was his elderly father. There was no time to accompany his father, as cars carrying casualties streamed in and the emergency path could be choked with traffic. Zhang Jinfu could only continue working. He could only enter the hospital to take a quick glance at his father lying on the stretcher during the brief rest period he was given. The 10 metres seperating the father and son seemed to stretch on endlessly. He only felt less worried when his elder sister rushed to the hospital to look after their father. Due to the severity of the injury, his father was transferred to Chengdu Military Hospital for emergency treatment. As the ambulance passed him by,?Zhang Jinfu saluted it, offering his father his silent blessing.

23 cipher_ct2008/5/19 12:25:00
2008年05月17日 08:12:22  来源:中国广播网







她的坚强使队员们被强大的精神动力所支撑着,一刻也不停止搜救,生怕因为自己片刻的休息让废墟下的生命被匆匆的时间抢走。目前,在另两处楼层的瓦砾下,又有4名学生被营救出来。 (记者郭海涌 通讯员程莹报道)

Girl says to rescuers: Get out, it's too dangerous!

?May 16th, 2008, 18:00


Reported by Journalist Haiyong Guo, Correspondent Ying Cheng

During an interview with the medical team from the General Hospital of Armed Police Forces, the head nurse Zhang Yanjun told the reporters that the victims of the earthquake were so strong-willed that they were moved to tears.

On May 16th, the rescue team began their work at Deyang Dongqi Shiyan Middle School. When the earthquake struck the city, it was class time. The strong quake caused the four storey building to collapse and buried approximately 200 teachers and students. As the hours pass, the probability of survival was dropping and the rescue team finally found a fortunate child trapped in a narrow passage near the leftmost walls.

The rubble near the passage made it difficult to carry out the rescue work. The team managed to dig a hole big enough to allow an adult to crawl in after 2 hours. Zhang Yanjun crawled forward into the passage to check the vital signs of the girl. As she was administrating painkiller injections to the girl, the girl did not cry. After the injection, the girl weakly spoke, "Aunty, please get out. It's too dangerous here." Zhang Yanjun could not hold back her tears, realizing that the child in danger was more concerned for her safety.

Fearful of causing the unstable debris to collapse, the rescue team spent another 2 hours to dig the girl using both their hands. Everyone at the scene was heartened when she was brought out of the narrow passage. Zhang Yanjun immediately put the girl on IV, and specialist Wang Minxin checked her for injuries to the limbs. The girl was sent to hospital immediately after simple disinfection and bandaging of wounds.

The girl’s name is Jingwen Tang, and she was only 12 years old. Her legs were broken in the earthquake, and she is unable to stand. Yet in the eyes of the rescue team, her spirit has surpassed her physical state.

Inspired by her strength and spirit, the rescuers continued searching for survivors without a moment’s rest, fearing for the weakening victims. Up until now, 4 other students have been rescued from the rubble of two other collapsed buildings in the school compound.

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24 莫非2008/5/21 4:57:00

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25 囧囧地2008/5/21 7:31:00







26 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 10:03:00

民警父亲救出30多人 儿子遇难


??? 尽管头部鲜血直流,李国林来不及包扎赶往擂鼓派出所。此时,三层楼的派出所办公楼也变成了一片废墟,四名留所值班的民警只找到了三个,全部受伤严重。突然,想起儿子还在北川中学,李国林找到一辆自行车,风驰电掣般赶往县城。儿子15岁,名叫李王自国,在初三(一)班就读,成绩优异,即将面临中考。可是赶到北川中学时,李国林看到,操场上的孩子们哭成一片,好几栋教学楼倒塌,儿子所在的初中部五层教学楼变成了三层楼,原来的一楼和二楼都不见了。“李王自国,你在哪里?”李国林拼命地呼喊。很快,在四根横七竖八的水泥预制板缝隙处,他分辨出儿子的声音。“爸爸,我在这儿,快救我!”一想起儿子的求助,李国林就泪水直淌。可当时没有救援设备和机械工具,大家只能用双手刨砖渣救人,而儿子,位于废墟Deep一丈多远,左腿被好几块水泥板压住,动弹不得。

?? 救出30多条生命, 儿子却已停止呼吸
?? “从小,儿子就认为我是英雄,引以为豪。”李国林说,作为第一个赶到北川中学的Gong_An民警,他成了师生员工可以信赖的对象之一,怎么干,都听他的。在这种时候,从初中部教学楼用撬杠等工具去打个洞,挖出儿子还是有希望的。但是有更多的人容易挖,更容易生还,李国林要求幸存人员从容易处挖起,先
??? 昨日凌晨3时许,李王自国终于被找到,但已停止呼吸。

He saved more than 30 lives, but he lost his son??

The first public security officer to walk into Beichuan Middle School after the earthquake was bleeding profusely from the head. Li Guolin could not afford the time to bandage his wound. He rushed to the Leigu police station, only to find the three storey building reduced to rubble. Only three of the four policemen on duty were found, all badly injured.

It suddenly occurred to Li Guolin that his son was still at Beichuan Middle School. He found a bicycle and rushed through the county as swiftly as possible. His son, Li Wangziguo, was 15 years old and attended school there with excellent results. His son will be taking the entrance examination for high school soon.

But when he arrived at Beichuan Middle school, all he saw was crying children and several collapsed buildings. The five storey block where his son was studying was reduced to three storeys. The entire first and second floors had vanished.

"Li Wangziguo, where are you?" Li Guolin shouted frantically. Soon, he heard his son's voice from between the cracks of four higgledy-piggledy cement prefabricated panels.

"Dad, I'm here, help! Hurry up!" Every time he thought of his son's pleas, Li Guolin could not hold back his tears. However, without rescue equipment and mechanical devices, he could only rely on hands to dig through the rubble. His son was buried around 3 metres deep in the rubble, with several cement slabs trapping his left leg.
Li Guolin saved more 30 lives, but his son stopped breathing

"My son regarded me as a hero since young, he was proud of me." Li Guolin said. As the first public security officer to rush to Beichuan Middle School, he had become the man the teachers, students and school workers relied on for leadership, following his instructions to save the trapped casualties.

At times like these, they could only use tools like crowbars to punch a hole in the junior classroom building. It would have been possible to save his son. But there were other casualities that could be saved first, with less effort. Li Guolin instructed them to start with the casualties that could be easily freed, and work their way in gradually.

Li Guolin cried while saying this,"In a disaster, there is nothing more important than the victims." He dug through the rubble with the others, rushing to the municipal administration in Mianyang city to report the situation as a representative of the public security department and received simple treatment for his head wound.

When he arrived back at Beichuan Middle School at 5am on the 13th, fire fighters and armed police had rushed to the scene. He recalls, "My son was still crying for help."? At noon on the same day, he could no longer hear his son's voice, but he had rescued more than 30 lives.

?About 3am yesterday (14th), Li Wangziguo was finally found, but he had stopped breathing forever.

27 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 10:13:00

爸爸妈妈 别为我们难过 (献给5.12中离去的小天使们)





在这里向祖国宣言:好好学习 天天向上




下一个的今天 为我们把气球放飞一遍

mom and dad,don't be sad
dedicated to the little angels who left us on 12th May 2008

Mom and Dad, is that you?
I've heard you calling me
since I was born,
from a little baby to a schoolboy

at this moment, I fall asleep,
I wished you were here with me
covering my bare arms
bringing back my shoes that I had lost while running

Mom and Dad
I wish you came and closed my open eyes
kiss my face, Daddy
and touch my cheeks, Mummy

There are so many brothers and sisters along with me
do find their parents please
with beautiful clothes and pretty shoes!
we are all hard-working kids
never doing anything to disgrace you

Mom and Dad
I sleep on what once was our school playground
with my classmates and teachers
remembering the past days
when we happily skipped ropes and played with a shuttlecock
we put on red scarf here and swore:
"I will study hard and progress day by day!"
we saw a lot of flowers
and a lot of young faces

but now I feel so cold
Daddy, Mummy, hold me tightly
Do kiss my cheeks once again

Mom and dad
You are working hard so far away
I know your hardships
I don't blame you on leaving me alone with uncle
As there are grandpa and grandma to support
you have to work far away to make money, lots and lots of money

Mom and Dad
don't be sad
I'm with teachers

Mom and Dad
don't be sad
devote yourselves to rebuilding our hometown
I'm only begging you, and thousands of parents
on the same day next year
let the balloons fly for us
and write:
we were good kids
that once lived in this world
and we flew away like angels

orginal writer unknown, posted on the Internet

28 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 10:26:00

新郎饶新取消休假奔赴灾区 新娘举行一个人婚礼 2008年05月16日22:49 新华网
  新华网南京5月16日电 (记者 凌军辉) 一架遥控飞机模型从天而降,英俊的新郎从飞机上取下钻戒,为自己戴上……这原本是南京姑娘邱媛媛心目中的婚礼场景。

Bridegroom rushes to the disaster area, bride holds her own at their wedding
May 16th, 2008, Xinhua Net,
A motorized model plane descends from the sky and her handsome husband takes a diamond ring attached to the plane and slips it on her finger...This should have been the ideal wedding of Qiu Yuanyuan, a girl from Nanjing.
This, however, did not happen on her wedding ceremony.
Rao Xin, the bridegroom, had cancelled his wedding leave. As a pilot, he was set on leaving for the disaster zone right away. Qiu Yuanyuan, the bride, unhesitatingly decided to hold the wedding on the night of May 16 according to schedule. "He is now fighting to save the victims on the frontline, so I should support him in the background. Our love should not prevent him from saving people. This wedding where the groom is absent is more meaningful than ever."
"Single Wedding" proceeds as scheduled
May 16th, 6 pm, at Jinling Hotel, Nanjing. Qiu Yuanyuan, the bride, dressed in a snow-white wedding gown and holding her bouquet, greeted their families and friends at the hotel entrance by herself. "People tried to persuade me to postpone the wedding as this should have been the day for two of us." She insisted on holding this "single wedding" to assure Rao Xin and to appeal to families and friends to show support for the earthquake-stricken areas, Qiu Yuanyuan told the journalist.
During the ceremony, Qiu Yuanyuan's parents handed their daughter to the parents of? Rao Xin. Rao Xin's mother, on behalf of her son, slipped a ring on the bride's finger, symbolizing the marriage. "You are the best girl in the world. I’ll spend a lifetime loving you." Rao Xin called from the frontline during the wedding, and this comforting apology made Qiu Yuanyuan burst into tears.
"How's everything going over there? Our wedding will take place as scheduled. Don't worry about me. Just work hard. I’ll be waiting for your return." The bride replied firmly to reassure the groom.
Donating red packets, every little bit counts
While the groom is working to rescue lives at the frontline, while the bride is doing the best she can. During the ceremony, Qiu Yuanyuan on behalf of the two families donated 20,000 yuan to those who are suffering in the earthquake areas. "I keep focusing on the reports these days. The disaster makes me feel sad. I would like to donate all these monetary present to them. It's not a huge amount, but it is a symbol of my care and support to them."
Mr. Wu Xijun, President of Red Cross Jiangsu Province accepted the donation on the wedding. "Red Cross is a cause of love. They are the loveliest couple, donating their monetary presents and turned the love between the two of them into love for others. I wish them all the best."
"It is a dream of every girl to be dressed in white wedding gown and have her husband slip the ring on her finger." Said Qiu Yuanyuan. As the wife of a soldier, she has no regrets. "I think at this moment, people in earthquake-stricken areas need him more than me. My only wish is that he will be back."
Unique wedding moved entire Nanjing
The wedding ceremony without the bridegroom moved the entire Nanjing.
"They inspire respect." Jiang Lu, former classmate of Qiu Yuanyuan who attended the wedding. She said that the bride was not alone though it was a "single wedding". All the guests present gave their best wishes.
Note: It is customary for wedding guests to make monetary gifts to the happy couple at wedding ceremonies or receptions. These monetary gifts are placed in a small red envelop, known as red packet

29 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 10:50:00


作者:麝香微度绣芙蓉 提交日期:2008-5-16 11:52:00

现代快报5月16日报道 爱心捐赠仍在继续,昨天,最让人感动的捐赠者应该是这位乞讨老人,他在捐了5元后,又找遍身上的零钱,特地到银行兑换了一张百元现钞,放进了募捐箱。







好说歹说,老人总算留下了自己的名字,但他不会写字,委托工作人员代签:徐超(音)。老人走后,在场很多人都流下了眼泪,“保安说,老人常在附近乞讨,平时很少吃到什么好东西,没想到一下子就捐出这么多……”说到这里,郭小姐已经哽咽了。 (本文来源:现代快报 作者:马晶晶)

Elderly homeless donates 105 yuan for stricken area

May 16th, 2008, 11:52am, by Ma Jingjing, Modern Times Express

During a donation drive yesterday, a donor touched the hearts of all present. An elderly homeless man donated 5 yuan on the spot, and later returned to put a 100 yuan bill into the donation box after gathering all the change he had.

This moving scene happened at a donation post, on Xinnan Road, Jiangning. At around noon yesterday, an old man around 60 years old approached the post. His hair was flecked with white, and he was wearing tattered sandals and a blue coat that had been patched all over. In his hands, was a bowl used to collect the change that any kind-hearted passerby could spare him.

One of the staff, Miss Guo, told him, "We've put up many posters, some with photographs of the disaster region." The old man stopped in front of the posters, and after a? while, with his hand trembling, put 5 yuan into the donation box, murmuring, "for those poor people."

The staff stared in amazement. By the time they realized the kindness in the simple act, the old man had left. “He looked exhausted and his walk unsteady. Staring at his back, I felt like crying."

The staff thought it was just a little touching act. However, at, the old man came back to the post again. This time, he put in a 100 yuan bill into the donation box.

"We were so shocked!" Miss Guo hurriedly stopped the aged and asked him. The old man explained, "I wanted to donate more this morning, but it was all loose change."

The old man had trouble speaking in Mandarin (the commonly spoken language across China). He spent a long time explaining before the staff understood him. The old man wanted to give more in the morning, but all he had was just some loose change. He was embarrassed about donating change, so he collected all the money he had on him and exchanged if for a 100 yuan bill at the bank. "The old man kept saying, 'Those people are in more dire straits. Their lives are still in danger. Poor people.

The staff invited him to leave his name, but he refused countless times. Finally he agreed. As he could not write, the staff wrote down his name for him Xu Chao. When he left, several staff cried.

"The security guard said, the old man usually begged around this area. He doesn't get much to eat, yet he donated all he could." Miss Guo said, choking back her tears.


Note: Chinese currency has five different types of coins, and three different types of bills that are less than 1 yuan in value.

30 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 12:42:00


------------------------------------------ ?2008-5-18 ?稿件来源:解放网-新闻晚报


I am the first man to bear 3 pieces of precast slabs on my back.?????? 2008-5-18? From Liberation Website- Evening Newspaper

Two days ago, when Sichuan TV was doing a live broadcast for Wenchuan earthquake, it was found that there were 3 pieces of precast slabs pressing on the back of a man named Chen Jian. The words below are from him, as recorded by the reporter.

I am the first man to bear 3 pieces of precast slabs on my back.

I must hold on, because my child does not want to lose its father (his wife is pregnant)

I do not have any great goal in my life. I just want to lead a simple life with you (his wife) throughout my life.

I am the unluckiest but also tje luckiest man during the Beichuan Earthquake. I feel that I have just escaped from hell. I am luckier than many other people. I cannot move because of 3 pieces of precast slabs on my back. I did not eat anything but had just a little water for three days and nights. I still regard myself as a lucky man. There is a saying in China "Bliss always follows the calamity". I don't want to leave anyone of my family. I want to be strong; I can be strong; I must be strong, for those who love me deeply. I must be determined to survive. I must not let them down, for the goodness I owed them. Hopefully you are not afraid of any difficulties confronting you in the same way as me.

I cannot leave my child alone. I don’t want it not to have a glance at its father. I think I have escaped from the hell. I do not fear everything any more. Do you know if there is any chance for me to survive?

However, Chen Jian passed away, just a few minutes after being freed from the precast slabs.
The reporter cried and shouted, "Chen Jian, you are so foolish. You have held on for such a long time..."


The above story is translated by some volunteers at?????????

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These
stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

Please visit us for more extraordinary stories like this one.

31 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 12:49:00

“没人管您,我就做您的儿子”??? 驻汉空降兵真情劝动太婆下山

本报四川绵竹讯 (本报特派记者董晓勋 空军某部特约记者刘圣德)昨日在绵竹市金花镇文河村,驻汉空降兵经过两个半小时的劝说,终于说服了老伴失踪、儿子、媳妇和孙子遇难的76岁老婆婆袁运华同意下山,把她背到救援站安置。

"If nobody takes care of you, I will be your son!" – Rescuer persuades an old lady to safety emotionally

Mianzhu, Sichuan,special correspondents Dong Xiaoxun, Liu Shengde from the frontline

In Wenhe Village, Jinhua Town, Mianzhu, a rescuer spent two and a half hours persuading an 76-year-old lady, whose husband was missing and the rest of her family dead in the earthquake, to leave the mountains and carried her on his back to the rescue station yesterday.

That morning, director Xu Hu and more than one hundred rescuers entered the cluster of residences of Wenhe village after trekking for 2 hours and 20 minutes.

They saw Madam Yuan was sitting alone besides the rubble of a house on a hillside. Xu Hu ran to her and asked, "Madam, why didn't you leave the mountains?" The old lady replied, "My husband is still not back, I will wait for him."

Xu Hu offered, "Let us carry you down the mountains to a safe place." But regardless of what Xu Hu and other soldiers said, the old woman refused to leave. Guessing that Madam Yuan was worrying about the fact that she has no family left, and there would be no one to take care of her, Xu Hu told her about the plans in place for the earthquake victims and said to her, "If no one takes care of you, you come with me, I will be your son and take care of you for life."

The old woman finally agreed.


The above story is translated by some volunteers at?????????

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These
stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

Please visit us for more extraordinary stories like this one.?

32 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 13:00:00


2008年05月15日 10:20新华报业网-扬子晚报


??? 昨日,一位四川军人在网上发帖,称自己将奔赴汶川抗灾一线,同样身在灾区、怀有身孕的老婆让他放心不下,为此请求帮助,让人看了唏嘘不已: 我家在北川附近的江油市,老婆现在有7个月的身孕,没有食物和水,上午联系了一次,已经饿得不行了,急需救助……我也是军人,我们部队现在待命准备去四川汶川救灾,我愿意贡献自己全部的力量去救灾区的老乡……可是我老婆却没有人救,我马上就要出发了,也许很难联系她,虽然无论怎样我会尽全力去汶川抢救灾区老乡,可是希望在江油的老乡也能给她带点吃的,哪怕一瓶矿泉水也行,求求老乡了。她现在在马路湾中国电信的门口公路上的一辆货车上,姓王,是老师,求各位老乡帮忙。我正守着电话等候命令……因为工作需要可以上网,但江油不一定有人能见到这个帖子,希望在外的人们能联系上江油的同胞们帮忙广泛发一下.一个去汶川救灾的军人的恳求。
江油警方上演真人版“拯救大兵瑞恩” 5月15日傍晚,让众多网友牵肠挂肚的军嫂王琢终于被江油警方找到,民警见到她时,她正在自己搭建的室外临时避险简易居所里协助母亲准备简单的晚餐,身体状况和精神状态都还不错。一点稀饭、一点面条……略显简单的晚餐在江油如此严重的灾区也还算不错。从军嫂王琢的丈夫发帖求助到王琢被找到,几十小时内,全国数以十万计的网友从转帖、顶帖、置顶到联系江油警方、托在江油的朋友的帮助寻找,一场爱心接力在全国许多认识、不认识的人之间传递。
??? 面对江油民警的“上门”,王琢显得没有思想准备,十分不好意思。她告诉民警,地震发生时,她正独自一人在家,从家中慌忙逃出来后,便失去与家人的联系,无助中得到了一位好心货车司机的帮助,让她在货车上暂时休息。随后,她幸运的取得了与部队丈夫的联系,并告知了她困守在货车里的窘境。话还没有说完,通讯从此中断,电话再也打不通了,军人丈夫对妻子的牵挂至此几十个小时内完全定格在“妻子王琢困在货车里孤立无援”!正在某部服役的丈夫心急如焚,然而,救援灾区军令在身。万般无奈之下,他在网上发了一个寻求帮助的帖子,希望有人能够帮助到王琢。让他没有想到的是,这个帖子得到了全国网友的关注,短短数十个小时,数以十万计的网友们进行转载、留言、发短消息,希望让更多的人知道这件事,从而可以帮助王琢。
??? 同样因为地震,江油与外界的所有通讯陷于瘫痪,互联网无一处通达,王琢的险境仅热传于网络世界,传播于江油甚至四川以外区域,江油已经在强烈地震中完全失去对外界的知觉!
??? 5月14日下午2时许,江油市通讯部份恢复。当天下午,一位接到外地朋友电话的热心网友向江油市Gong_An局抗震救灾指挥部求助,要求帮助军嫂王琢。 接到求助后,江油市Gong_An局局长张德溥高度重视,在救援抢险任务非常紧张的情况下,立即安排民警带上水和食品前往救助。5分钟后,民警回复,在马路湾电信楼下未能找到所称的货车和孕妇。张德溥局长又安排了8名民警与先前的2名民警一道,分成5个组对马路湾周边停放的所有货车进行搜巡,同时,安排专人查找王琢户口信息,将此情况向城区内的所有民警进行了通报。但经过10位民警近5个小时对马路湾周边方圆十公里大范围的搜索,均未能找到王琢。同时,民警通过对马路湾附近避灾群众的询问,没有人认识王琢,没有人看到过或听到过此事,城区其他巡逻民警也没有发现。
??? 5月15日中午,江油城区部份地方已开始恢复供电、供水,得知网络通讯部分恢复后,警方在第一时间抢接线路,在抗震救灾指挥部临时办公室首先接通互联网,安排专人在网上收集关于军嫂王琢的详细情况和发帖,希望最初的发帖者,或者知道王琢、发帖者具体联系电话的网民与江油市Gong_An局临时救灾指挥部联系,并留下了Gong_An局的联系电话。
??? 六个小时过后,15日傍晚,得知江油警方正在找寻自己后,王琢主动与江油警方取得了联系。江油市Gong_An局局长张德溥随即安排民警前往王琢避险地,送去食物和水,将王琢接到Gong_An指挥部,为她搭建专门帐篷。
??? 晚8时,王琢被接到Gong_An抗震救灾指挥部临时办公区域,当得知事情原委后,她婉言谢绝了Gong_An机关为她搭建帐篷和提供帮助的盛情,她表示,自己目前的居住环境虽不是特别好,但和家人在一起,与众多受灾群众相比已算不错,对于大家的关心和帮助,她十分感激。
??? 为了不让全国所有关注、关心她的人担心,15日晚(5月15日21:27:13),王琢与她母亲在江油市Gong_An局抗震救灾指挥部现场用互联网向
??? 谢谢你们的关心,我是王琢,我已获的(得)了帮助,正在江油市Gong_An局抗震救灾指挥部临时办公区。大家对我都很好,我也很平安,吃住都没有问题,大家的关心让我从内心无比的感谢,我们江油在Zheng__Fu各个部门的努力下逐步走人正规,虽然现在我们还不能回家,但我们得到的关心让我们都很温暖,我也相信在不久之后我们会有更美的家园。但在离我们不远的北川还有更多的灾民需要帮助希望有更多的朋友去关心和帮助他们,比起他们我已经是无比的幸福,谢谢大家!从内心无比的感谢!!

A plea from a solider: "Who can send food to my pregnant wife"


A post on the Internet from a Sichuan soldier on May 14th drew attention from tens of thousands of people.

" My home is in Beichuan and my wife is over 7 months pregnant. She is starving, in dire need of food and water. I tried to get in touch with her the entire morning but failed. I am a soldier and our troop is taking part in the Wenchuan rescue operations. But my wife is there in Beichuan, waiting for help. No matter what, I would and must try my best to save every life in Wenchuan.I just wish someone in Jiangyou (a town in Beichuan) could bring her some food. I'll be grateful for even a bottle of water. I'm begging you, dear fellowmen. She is stricken in a truck near the Maluwan branch of China Telecom. Her name is Wang Zhuo and she's a teacher. I'm waiting for the troop command right now and have access to internet due to my duty requirement. I know this might not be read by the people in Jiangyou. But I do hope people who read this can contact her in Jiangyou. Please!"

This post had been transfered by tens of thousands of internet users through a large numbe of websites, forums and chat program groups. With their help,the soldier's wife was finally found safe in Jiangyou in the evening of May 15th. After understanding the general circumstances of the Internet movement, she refused an offer to pitch a tent for her from the police , and wrote a letter to thank everyone who cared about her, "Thank you very much!I have gotten help and am now at the temporary office of Jiangyou police station, safe and fine....Though we are not able to return home at present, I believe we will have a more beautiful hometown in the near future. There are a lot of people in Beichuan town nearby, who are in dire need of your help and care. They are the ones that? really need help. Compared to them, I am lucky.So please go and help them! Thank you very much!"


The above story is translated by some volunteers at?????????

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan

Earthquake. These
stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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33 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 13:12:00

白血病女孩将社会为其捐款转捐地震灾区 2008年05月16日22:13 中国新闻网

  中新网杭州5月16日电(记者 龚读法 实习生张洁)这是一个爱心天使,她在爱的包围中重获新生。汶川大地震,牵动着无数人的心。这位坚强知感恩的女孩要将爱心接力棒传给地震灾区。5月16日下午,当杭州桐庐县新合乡白血病小女孩潘蒴的父亲,将写有10万善款的支票交到杭州桐庐县红十字会负责人的手里时,在场见证这一时刻的人们都被感动了。
??? 这位14岁女孩潘蒴,在花季年龄患上了白血病,为拯救她的生命,杭州桐庐县发起了一场爱心绿丝带公益行动,并专门为她建立了“爱心天使”账户,最终为小潘蒴募得善款近20万元。在社会各界好心人的关注下,首批12万元手术费用被汇到潘蒴的账户上,4月30日小潘蒴顺利地接受了骨髓移植手术,目前还在无菌仓里进行手术治疗。
?? “在得知四川发生了重大地震灾害,小潘蒴通过电视看到了灾情,躺在病床上哭了好多次。”潘蒴的父亲告诉记者,“当她知道家乡人民在向灾区捐款的消息后,就提出要把‘爱心天使’账户上剩余的爱心款,全部捐献给四川灾区,她说我有困难是好心的叔叔阿姨在帮助,现在灾区的小朋友更需要帮助。”
??? 小潘蒴目前仍然处于康复过程之中,在自己尚且困难之时,却先想到四川灾区的人们,这是一份感恩,是一种无私的精神。小潘蒴的10万善款将和桐庐县教育局红十会一起把定向捐赠给受灾较重的四川什邡市洛水中学。
?? “当小潘蒴身患重病之时,社会各界都向她伸出了援手,今天获得新生的小潘蒴又要把这份爱心继续传递下去,这不仅体现了这位爱心天使殷切的感恩之心、回报之意,更体现了桐庐人民对四川灾区群众的深情厚意。”桐庐县委宣传部部长吴玉凤告诉记者。

Leukemia girl? makes a present of donation to disaster area
May 16th, 2008,, Hangzhou


She is an angel with a loving heart; her life was reborn in the cradle named 'love'. While the massive earthquake shook through Wenchuan, tugging on numerous hearts, this brave and grateful girl is going to pass on the love baton to the disaster area.

Living in Xinhe village, Tonglu county, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, Pan Shuo is a little girl who suffers from leukemia. In the afternoon of May 16th, when Pan Shuo's father gave the cheque with a 100,000 Yuan donation to the redcross society of Tonglu county, everybody who witnessed the scene was deeply moved.

14 year old Pan Shuo was diagnosed with leukemia in her teens. To save her life, a 'green ribbon' charity activity was launched by Tonglu county, a ‘loving-heart angel’ account was set up exclusively for her and 200,000 yuan was collected. With the attention of many kind-hearted people, 120,000 yuan for the surgical fee was transferred to Pan Shuo's own account and the marrow transplant operation was successfully conducted on April 30th. Currently the girl is still in the germ-free isolation room, receiving follow-up treatments.

"After hearing about this massive earthquake hit Sichuan, little Pan Shuo found out more about this catastrophe through television and cried many times lying on the bed." The girl's father recounted, "Hearing that people of her hometown are making donations to Sichuan, Pan Shuo decided to contribute the balance of the 'loving-heart angel' to casualties of this disaster. She said that it was those warm-hearted people who helped her during her hard times and now it is the children of the disaster area who need help."

Little Pan Shuo is still in the process of recovery, but people suffering from this earthquake was first in her mind even as she
fights the disease. This is a great show of gratitude and demonstrates her selfless spirit. The precious 100,000 yuan donation from little Pan Shuo would be delivered to the severely damaged Luoshui High School in Shifang, Sichuan province by the Red Cross society and education department of Tonglu county.


The above story is translated by some volunteers at?????????

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These
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34 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 13:19:00

绵竹20名Zheng__Fu人员被困 镇长用嘴吸油供电


 ? 本网讯 (四川新闻网记者 刘侠 吴松涛 曹献龙) 517日,四川新闻网记者在绵竹市采访时获悉,512日地震发生后,绵竹市板桥镇Zheng__Fu大楼部分倒塌,20名Zheng__Fu工作人员被困大楼。在安全月兑险后,为了救治伤员,该镇党委副书记、镇长易元斌千方百计找来了发电机,并用嘴从Zheng__Fu汽车油箱内吸油出来发电。

??? 据板桥镇副镇长黄仲琼介绍,512日下午1428分地震发生时,Zheng__Fu大楼内有20个工作人员在加班,其中包括党委副书记、镇长易元斌和副镇长黄仲琼等镇领导。地震发生后,第一批工作人员16人迅速撤到了楼下大院内,另外4名工作人员之后撤出,其中1人从2楼跳下摔伤。这批人刚跑出大楼,Zheng__Fu大楼就部分垮塌。

??? 在确定安全以后,镇长易元斌立即对20名工作人员进行了分工,准备抗震救灾工作。随后,他们一行立即赶到板桥学校,这里有1400名学生正在上课。不过很幸运,三层楼的学校大楼并没有倒塌,除了1名学生在撤离时受伤外,其他1400余名学生都安然无恙。

??? 黄仲琼告诉记者,在当天晚上,为了保证镇上卫生院的照明和抢救伤员问题,该镇党委副书记、镇长易元斌千方百计找来了发电机,并用嘴从Zheng__Fu汽车油箱内吸油出来发电。

??? 截止517日,板桥镇共78人遇难,重伤516人。目前,灾民情绪稳定。


Mayor transfers petrol using his mouth to start up generator


Sichuan News Net, by reporters Liu Xia, Wu Songtao, Cao Xianlong.



On May 17th, the reporters interviewing the earthquake victims at Mianzhu were inform that the office building where the Banqiao Town Council worked at had been reduced to a pile of debris. The 20 staff that were working in the building escaped to safety. As there were casualties, town mayor Yi Yuanbin found a generator, and used his mouth to transfer petrol from a car to the generator.


According to the assistant mayor, Huang Zhongqiong, when the earthquake struck at 14:28, May 12th, the 20 staff were still working, including the mayor and assistant mayor. After the earthquake, 16 staff rushed downstairs and out of the building. The other 4 escaped a while later, with 1 jumping from the second floor and injuring himself. The building collapsed shortly after.


After checking on their safety, Yi Yuanbin assigned tasks to the staff in preparation for rescue efforts. They headed down to Banqiao School, where 1400 students were in class when the earthquake struck. Fortunately, the school building was still sound. Only 1 student was slightly injured during evacuation.


Huang Zhongqiong told the reporters, Yi Yuanbin then strove to locate and move a generator to the town hospital to ensure that there would be light in the hospital when the injured are treated that night. To start up the generator, Yi sucked petrol out of a car, and transferred it to the generator.


By 17th May, Banqiao has lost 78 of its inhabitants, and a further 516 are seriously injured. The rest of the earthquake victims are stable and cared for.



The above story is translated by some volunteers at ? ? ? ??

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These
stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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35 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 13:32:00



中新社衡阳五月十六日电 (李镇东 刘双双) “我已重病在身,不久人世,请在我去世后把我的丧葬费捐给受震灾区……”这是湖南衡阳一位八十八岁







Old lady gives up?all?her funeral expenses in goodwill

?May 16th, 2008, China News Agency, Hengyang
Lee Zhendong, Liu Shuangshuang

"Please donate my funeral expenses to the earthquake areas after my death as I am terminally ill and will leave the world soon." This is the final will of an 88-year-old retired teacher in Hengyang, Hunan Province.

Her name is Zhang Bixia. She used to work in Hunan Gongcheng Technical College. This old lady, who dedicated her life to education, is now bedridden.

On 14th of May, the weak old lady made an amazing decision when she was her former colleagues. She instructed her son to write a will for her, and donate the only 100 yuan she had with her to the college dean Dai Libin, repeatedly stressing that she would be satistfied have a very simple funeral and requested that the rest of the money be donated to the area affected by the disaster. In tears, the dean accepted her donation, and read her will to the school during the donation ceremony the next day.

The old lady was born in the 1920s and has experienced the changes of time and the ruthlessness of disasters. Whenever help is needed, she always tries her best to contribute by donating all her belongings. She even donated all her jewelry in order to support the frontline soldiers in times of need.

?She has always taught her children to contribute to society and be grateful of the prosperity of the times. Her family has made over hundred donations over the years.

?Translator's note: Funerals play a important part in Chinese culture, and is regarded as the final part of the journey. It is also a show of filial piety and mark of respect from the younger generation, with simple funerals implying a lack of financial capability or not caring enough.


The above story is translated by some volunteers at ? ? ? ??

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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36 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 16:34:00

又见奇迹 61岁老人被埋140小时后获救()






Another miracle: Old lady survives 140 hours??????

He Nianhua,an old lady who is currently 61 years-old, was resuced after being trapped for 140 hours by the rescue team from Jinan, and finally saw the sun? once again.

photo and text from


The above story is translated by some volunteers at??

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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37 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 17:21:00







? ? “当天清晨,我们得到消息,有人被埋在县Zheng__Fu大楼里,当地工作人员告诉我们,被埋的是常务副县长杨泽森,他被埋在了二楼,而大楼三楼以下完全倒塌,我们经过了十个多小时的救援后,在下午5点多钟把他救了出来。

? ? 据介绍,杨泽森腰部以下全部被埋,在战士们救援的过程中,他的神志清醒,还一度劝阻过战士:谢谢你们来救我,谢谢你们的支援,你们去救其他被埋的群众吧。

? ? 而在被救出后,杨副县长的神志也是清醒的,医护人员现场帮他输液后,他还说了句谢谢。但很快,短短几分钟后,他突然神志模糊,生命体征逐渐消失,并在被救出约十分钟时不幸死亡。

The deputy chief of Beichuan County died ten minutes after being rescued from the rubble. "Please go and rescue others".

Every time the rescuers saves someone, they felt encouraged. However, there are also times where the victims die after being freed from the rubble, to everyone's deepest sorrow.

Yesterday, the Jiangsu team of firefighters and earthquake experts recounted a touching story to this reporter.

On May 14th, the soldiers freed the First Deputy County Chief from the government building of Beichuan County. This is an extremely difficult rescue.

"In the morning of that very day, we got the news that someone was buried in the rubble of the county government building. The local workers told me that the victim was Yang Zesen, the First Deputy County Chief. He was on the second floor, and all three lower floors had collapsed completely. After more than ten hours, he was rescued from the rubble at 5 pm."

His entire lower body was buried in the rubble. During the rescue process he was still conscious and tried to persuade the soldiers to leave him and?rescue other people. "I am grateful for your rescue effort and encouragement. Please go and rescue others that are buried."

The deputy chief was still conscious after being freed. He expressed his thanks to the paramedic who put him on a drip. Only a few minutes after that he became dazed and gradually his vital signs faded. He died around ten minutes after being saved.


The above story is translated by some volunteers at

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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38 全国哀悼日2008/5/21 17:37:00

什邡市? :“老人名叫邱时珍(音),今年92岁了。”

Policeman treks 23 hours with 92 year-old man on his back
?Shifang, Hongbai
"His name is Qiu Shizhen. He’s 92 years old."
At 7am, May 15th, group of policemen started trekking at and finally stepped into Huanle Valley, a tourist spot located in Hongbai County, Shifang where rescuers had yet to reach, at 6pm, May 16th. After a long 23 hours walk back, they brought back with them a group of survivors, both injured and uninjured, and a group of elderly.
Among the people rescued, there was an 92 year-old man.
"So far he’s the oldest person who has been rescued. It is truly a miracle." said Pu Jinhui, the chief of Wuhan General Hospital who was in charge of this rescue effort.
"He's generally well except for fractures in both legs.' said the doctor who was carefully examining the old man. Hearing this, the policeman standing by the side smiled with relief. The policeman had piggybacked the old man during the 23 hours walk. The old man was found at Muguaping, Hongbai County, which is still inaccessible by road. When they saw the old man, he looked well but could not move due to the fractures in his legs. In addition, the old man is also deaf and almost blind.
"The road was extremely dangerous and it took 10 to 12 people to ensure his safety on the way." After trekking for almost 24 hours, the policeman did not dare sit, fearing that his tired legs muscles would not carry him through these hours of need.
According to the policeman, there were many elderly who were glad to see the rescuers, but refused to leave with them, thinking that they would be a burden on the long walk.
He also said that the damage to Shifang was worse than Wenchuan. Mountains on both sides of Shifang had shifted, some even combining into one, and there were numerous landslides along the route.? Rivers were blocked by the landslides, and low-lying areas were flooded.
Another policeman recounted, "We could hardly move forward. We had to tie ourselves to each other. The lowest valley is about 28 meters deep!"
In addition, due to frequent aftershocks, mountain roads were littered with giant rocks, with more rocks likely to roll down the slopes, increasing the danger.
The above story is translated by some volunteers at

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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39 飞机君2008/5/22 0:48:00


40 全国哀悼日2008/5/22 9:58:00







两天两夜的生死守候,让这对恋人的感情更加深厚。目前,贺晨曦意识清醒,状态良好。 (本文来源:人民网 )

说明: (几处报道内容互相补充了一下,以人民网资料为基准)

Everybody loves Guangming Zheng

May 18th, 2008, and

"It's a full moon tonight." When He Chenxi was finally rescued from the debris of Beichuan Agricultural Development Bank yesterday, it had been 102 hours since she was trapped. A man stayed by the side of the rubble, constantly talking to her until she was freed. This man is her boyfriend, Zheng Guangming.

He Chenxi is 26 years old and marriage was a constant topic between the couple. When the massive earthquake hit in the afternoon of May 12th, Beichuan Agricultural Development Bank was reduced to a pile of rubble and He Chenxi was trapped beneath it. Zheng Guangming had been searching through the rubble for his beloved girlfriend ever since and fortunately, He Chenxi was found two days ago by rescuers. Ever since then, Zheng Guangming had been staying by He Chenxi's side and constantly talking to her through the cracks.

"Let's get married! What of wedding ceremony would you like, the Chinese style or the western style? You must be really pretty in a western style wedding gown!" Zheng Guangming's voice never stopped in the two days until rescuers finally pulled He Chenxi out last night after a long hard work. "The doctor is going to give you some infusion solution now. There's cola in one bottle and nutri-express (a kind of drink) in the other. Which one would you like?" Zheng Guangming said to He Chenxi as the doctor was about to give her an IV drip. His words were brimming with love and understanding.

When asked about what the earthquake implied to him in an interview later, Zheng Guangming said after thinking for a while, "Now and forever."

The struggle to survive during these two long days have strengthened the couple's love. Currently, He Chenxi is conscious, and recovering well.


The above story is translated by some volunteers at???????????? ?

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake


Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.


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41 全国哀悼日2008/5/22 10:39:00














Kindergarten teacher sacrifices self to save child

Kindergarten teacher sacrifices self to save child

Xinhua, by Liu Hai, Ye Jianping, Yuan Jian

The earthquake destroyed Huanhuan Kindergarten in Zundao Town. At that time, more than 80 children were taking a nap, the head of the kindergarten was out on business, and 5 teachers were in the kindergarten. The quake has caused the deaths of more than 50 children and 3 teachers. the remaining 2 teachers are critically injured, and one child is missing.

The head of the kindergarten, Li Juan, choked with sobs, recalling the scene when teacher Qu Wanrong was found. "When the earthquake struck she threw herself on the floor, used her back to block a falling cement board and tightly cradling a child in her arms. The child survived, but Miss Qu had left us forever"


The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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cipher_ct于 2008-5-23 16:33:53 编辑过本文

42 全国哀悼日2008/5/22 10:47:00

无私父母将孩子护在身下 用生命换取孩子的平安

  北川:被埋43小时 3岁女孩终获救


  感人一幕 双亲舍身护孩子







Beichuan: 3 year-old girl rescued after being buried for 43 hours

In the afternoon of 14th May 2008, Beichuan, a 3 year-old girl,?Song Xin-yi,?was rescued from the debris of a collapsed house. The girl was found sheltered by her parents' bodies after more than forty hours, and sent straight to hospital.

A touching scene: both parents sacrificing themselves to protect the child

On the 13th of May, this reporter first stepped into the ruins of what used to be a thriving city. Several resucers were crowded around a severely damage house. Trapped under the house were two unfortunate adults, and sheltered beneath their bodies was a little girl with expressive big eyes. Acccording to the officer in charge , they found the little girl at 8am. Due to the fallen wall that had trapped the dead adults and the little girl, they were unable to rescue her without the use of special tools.

It seemed to this reporter that the wall that was trapping them had shifted 4 to 5 metres from a neighboring house, and crushed the adults as it fell. The little girl's lower body was beneath the adults, restricting her movements. The general belief is that the two adults were the parents of the girl. In the face of danger, they selflessly shielded the girl with their bodies, protecting her from harm.


The above story is translated by some volunteers at?????????????????


Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake


Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.


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43 发布小分队2008/5/23 12:56:00

11岁女孩爱跳芭蕾舞 被困70小时截肢获救(组图)
记者李伟峰 张波








44 发布小分队2008/5/23 12:56:00

11 year-old ballerina loses limb
May 17th, 2008,, Li Weifeng and Zhang Bo

?This news report is a continuation about a girl who pleaded with the rescuers not to amputate her leg. Please read the first report here. All photographs are from, we claim no ownership for them.

When we saw her, tears welled up in our eyes

The young girl, Li Yue, was trapped under the rubble of what used to be Qushan Primary School, Beichuan, for more than 70 hours. After amputating her limb, rescuers were able to free her. She was further operated upon at Mianyang 404 Hospital at 4pm. Her doctor declared her out of danger. But this studious young girl was like a bird who lost its wings, unable to fly towards the sky like she wanted.

After the anesthetic wore off, the girl screamed in pain

After searching around, these reporters found her at 7pm last evening in the ICU located at the 5th floor of Mianyang 404 Hospital. She was lying on the bed, face pale and sound asleep due to anesthetic. The volunteer sitting beside her removed her blanket to show us her injury. Her left leg was remobed midway through her thigh, and heavily bandaged. Her right arm was fractured, and casted in plaster.

At around 7:30pm, the girl woke up, shaking her head and waving her hand frantically, screaming in pain. The volunteer and nurses rushed over to hold her, whispering encouragements. The girl then fretted for water. After the volunteer lightly dabbed her lips with a wet cotton bud, the girl quietened down.

We asked, "Li Yue, do you still recognise us?" She replied, "Yes"

The little dancing bird has lost its wings

Li Yue's elder sister and grandfather entered the room in a while. Her sister, Shen Renweng, cried upon seeing Li Yue's left thigh. She told the reporters, "She has been learning ballet for half a year. Her teacher praised her looks, posture and talent, stating that she was suitable for ballet.? She (Li Yue) was confident about it as well."

The 18 years old girl is a senior high school studenta t Mianyang Shiyan High School. After their parents divorced, the older girl lived with their father, while the younger girl stayed with their mother. The two sisters are close, and know each other's likes and dislikes very well. According to Shen Renweng, her sister used to live with their mother in Xinjiang until the second semester of her first year in school. She transferred to Beichuan Qushan Primary School.

LiYue liked dancing and drawing. Half a year ago, she started learning ballet and was very interested in it. She practiced hard, and improved rapidly. But this earthquake has dashed her dreams forever.

We couldn't help recalling the afternoon on May 14th when we first met her in the ruins of the school. When the rescuers decided to amputate her trapped leg, she shouted that she did not want to lose her leg. The rescuers tried to look for another way out, but on May 15th, when the rescue team from Yunnan arrived, a joint decision was made to amputate her leg to save her life.

Watching classmates die one after another

While Li Yue was trapped in the rubble, there were 3 classmates with her. In the 70 hours or so, she watched them weaken, and slowly died. But she held on to her dream, her determination to live saw her through. She was one of the 7 children rescued from that site.

Even her 55 years old grandfather, Li Shungui, admired her will to live. When the earthquake struck, Li Shungui was sitting on the street near his office. He fell to the ground, and saved himself by rolling himself onto the street. He braved through the aftershocks to contact his family, only to realize that along with his wife, 2 other family members died.

At 6pm he staggered to the ruins of Qushan Primary School. He shouted for Li Yue, and she replied immediately.He saw her trapped in the rubble with 3 bodies beside her.

Besides getting the rescue teams over, the only thing he could do was give her water and food.

When Li Yue and the children were trapped in the rubble, one of them was hit on his head with a brick and died immediately, the other 2 were still alive. They told Li Yue, "When your aunt gets here, let's borrow some money to have a meal!" Li Yue replied, " When she gets here, we'll ask her to take us out to have a meal!" A while later, she told them that she was sleepy and fell asleep.

When she woke up, her friends could not speak anymore, and slowly stopped breathing. She shouted at them, but she couldn't wake them up. The only one who could offer her comfort was buried some metres below near her. She could just talk to the girl. Next day, the rescue teams arrived and worked hard to save them, but eventually failed. On the third day, several resuce groups arrived but unfortunatly nothing could be done to free them. On the fourth day, they saved her life by cuting off her leg.

We could recall the scene when we first saw the girl on May 14th when Li Shungui talked. We tried our best to save her, but Li Yue had told us, "Save my classmates first. They're trapped underground!"

The first thing Li Yue told her sister was, "The bodies of my classmates had started decomposing. I thought about dancing, and I held on!"

Mother visited her daughter last night

Li Yue's parents did not remarry after the divorce. Her mother Li Jiaxiu worked in Kuitun, Xinjiang, and her father works at an oil mine in Saudi Arabia. Only after Li Yue was saved from the rubble on the 15th did her sister informed her parents. Her mother flew back to Mianyang, and was by her daughter's hospital bed at 9pm.

Li Yue's father is still in Saudi Arabia, sorting out his visa issues.



The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.



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cipher_ct于 2008-5-23 16:36:14 编辑过本文

45 发布小分队2008/5/23 13:08:00









95 years-old man donates his life savings
Evening Paper, by Zhou Yong

Watching the tv broadcasts of the rescue efforts, Feng Sanxiu, a 95 years-old man cried for the victims of the earthquake. Accompanied by his son, grandson and great-granddaughter, the old man went to the He Nan Province Red Cross Organization office yesterday and donated 100,000 yuan to the disaster areas. This sum of money was the old man's retirement funds saved over 10 years. Prior to this, the old man had already donated 20,000 yuan to the disaster areas back at his hometown, Nanyang.

The old man, Feng Sanxiu, was born in 1913, has 5 sons and daughters and lives with his eldest son Feng Changhua's family in Zhengzhou. Just days earlier, he went to visit his youngest son's family. After the Wenchuan Earthquake had happened, the old man just stayed before the TV and watched the CCTV live broadcast of rescue work for a few days, pushing aside concerns for his age, weak health and failing eyesight.

The devastating situation and scenes of rescue on tv had tears streaming down the old man's face.. He donated 20000 yuan from his savings at a Nanyang donation post on May 17th. After returning to Zhengzhou that day, the old man did not feel that he had contributed to the cause. Instead, he discussed with his family and decided to donate all 100,000 yuan of his savings. His children and grandchildren all respected his decision and helped him to withdraw his money from the bank. They then accompanied him to the He Nan Province Red Cross Organization?office?to donate the money.

The leaders of the provincial Red Cross were moved by the old man's kind act, they clasped the old man's hand and thanked him repeatedly for his love and concern. The old man said, "As a Chinese, this is what I should do. Fan Zhongyan of Song dynasty said 'Be concerned about others' affairs before our own, and enjoy ourselves only after others.' Our country is facing a? disaster now, it is everyone's responsibility to overcome these difficulties together!"

The old man's eldest son told the reporter, his father was diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease at 75 years-old and had already spent a huge of money on treatment. The old man does not have an income. The money is given to him by his children and grandchildren for medical treatment and daily expenses. "He saves the money?coin by coin, for more than ten years and saved this amount of money." When the old man discussed donating his savings with his family, Feng Changhua had wanted to contribute some money for him, but was refused by the old man. "The money you donate is yours, this is what I scraped up. It's not the same!"

Yesterday morning, the old man's family went to the bank and withdrew the entire 100,000 yuan and donated it to the provincial Red Cross together with the interest. The leaders of the provincial Red Cross promised the old man, they will definitely spend the money in the disaster areas where the people need it the most.



The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.


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cipher_ct于 2008-5-23 16:38:32 编辑过本文

46 发布小分队2008/5/23 13:19:00

北川中学学生震后日记:杨小凤_ 没经历过的永远也体会不到那种撕心裂肺

杨小凤 ?班级:北川中学高二2008级三班





Earthquake victim's blog: understanding the pain only comes from experiencing it by Yang Xiaofeng

Yang Xiaofeng is a student of Class 3, Grade 2, Beichuan High School

At 2:26pm, May 12th, the building shook while we were having classes. We thought that it would stop like the last few times, so nobody ran out. But the very next moment, another stronger wave came. We fell from our seats and were in a state of weightlessness for a few seconds. Then it stopped. When we moved out of the building and into the compound, I realized that the first and second floors of the new building had disappeared beneath the upper floors, and the old building had been destroyed completely. It was then did? we realize that an earthquake had taken place. Countless teachers and students were buried under the rubble. As the rescuers could not reach us immediately, the teachers organized the uninjured boys to begin rescuing the survivors. Luckily, the older students, who were all on the upper floors of the new building, were relatively unharmed. But the younger students were badly injured. If you have never experienced an earthquake, you will never understand the pain and helplessness. Cries and shouts came from the rubble, all pleading and fighting for their lives. They were all helpless under the rubble. Every time we grabbed a dead body, our hands trembled and our hearts bled. Every time we saved a living person, we had a smile on our face and felt? slightly comforted. As long as they are still alive, there is hope!

That day, we stayed on the compound. The boys and the teachers did not stop for a second. Bodies, some missing body parts, were placed everywhere. The sobs of loved ones did not stop either. Just one moment ago, they were all listening to the teachers in class. The next mone,t they have left us. What did they feel when they closed their eyes forever, we probably will never know.

My home is at Shaba, Beichuan. I always believed my parents would be fine. But when I was told about my father's death, in a moment I felt my heart stopped, and then a pain, as if I was shredded to pieces. My father has left, forever, left without waiting for me to return the favor of bringing me up. For our schooling, to give us a better life, he always worked from dawn to night. But he has left us, in such a way.

My hometown is ruined by the earthquake, drowned out by the flood. We can't go back, now and ever.



The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

Please visit us for more extraordinary stories like this one.

cipher_ct于 2008-5-23 16:40:48 编辑过本文

47 发布小分队2008/5/23 13:40:00

爸爸妈妈别为我们难过 (献给5.12中离去的小天使们)



























在这里向祖国宣言:好好学习 天天向上
























下一个的今天 为我们把气球放飞一遍


()悲しまないでください ?












The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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cipher_ct于 2008-5-23 16:46:44 编辑过本文

48 发布小分队2008/5/23 13:56:00

Maman et Papa, ne soyez pas

à la mémoire des enfants morts dans ce tremblement de terre?

auteur ? ? wenzhu (langue original: Chinois)?

Traduit par Virginie

Maman et Papa, c’est vous?
je vous ai entendu m’appeler
depuis que je suis né,
d’un bébé à un élève


en ce moment, je me couche,
j’espère que vous êtes ici avec moi
couvrant mes épaules nues
emportant mes chaussures que j’ai perdu en courant

Maman et Papa

j’espère que vous venez fermer mes yeux
baisez mon visage, Papa
touchez ma faces, Maman


il y a autant de frères et de soeurs acompagnés de moi
trouvez leurs parents, s’il vous pla?t
mettez-les avec de beaux vêtements et chaussures!
nous sommes des enfants diligents
ne faisons rien de vous déshonorer


Maman et Papa
je me dors sur le terrain de sport de l’école
avec mes camarades et mes instituteurs
je me souviens des jours passés
où nous sautions à la corde

où nous jouions au volant
où nous nous sommes mis le foulard rouge et où nous jurions:
"je vais m’efforcer d’étudier et de me progresser de jour en jour"
nous avons vu beaucoup de fleurs
ainsi que pas mal de jeunes visages?

mais maintenant j’ai si froid
Papa, Maman, tenez-moi fermement
baissez-moi encore une fois


Maman et Papa
vous travaillez avec effort si loin de moi

je sais votre peine
je ne vous reproche pas de me laisser seul

avec grand-papa and grand-maman
vous êtes obliges de travailler loin de la famille pour gagner de l’argent

beaucoup et beaucoup d’argent


Maman et Papa
ne soyez pas triste
je suis ensemble avec les instituteurs


Maman et Papa
ne soyez pas triste
contribuez vous-même à reconstruire notre pays natal

je ne prie que vous ainsi que des milliers de parents

au même jour, l’année prochaine
de lacher des ballon pour nous

et d’écrire:
nous sommes des enfants gentils
qui ont une fois vécu au monde
et nous sommes envolés comme des anges



The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

Please visit us for more extraordinary stories like this one.

cipher_ct于 2008-5-23 16:45:10 编辑过本文

49 发布小分队2008/5/23 19:28:00




东方 南方 北方和西方
麦地里的四兄弟 好兄弟
在五月的麦地 梦想众兄弟


我寂寞地等, 我阴沉地等
二月的雪, 二月的雨

吐着芳香, 站在山岗上

圣书上卷是我的翅膀, 无比明亮

的圣书, 是我重又劈开的肢体

<The Break of Day> - 1

I wiped the sky, making it pure and clean;
I swept the earth, giving back its natural apperance;
To return them all to someone I've never met before.
So I am waiting here, bearing the loneliness and silence,
under the Feburary snow and rain.

The spring bubbles on for nothing,
Beautiful flowers bloom in vain.
Only the wheats stands proud on the mountains,
smiling their beautiful and wounded smile,
with an eternal fragance.

Desolate earth bears the lightning of the desolate sky,
the first volume of scripture is my wings, brighter than all,
yet at times, dark like today.
the second volume of scripture is filthy and joyful,
it is my injured wings,
desolate earth bearing the even more desolate sky.

My empty earth and sky,
is the scriptures combined.
It is my split body,
crying the snow and rain of February.

Among the wheat in May?

Brothers of the world,
join in the hug at the wheat field,
No matter where you are from,
we look back on those days,
recite our own poems,
together in the wheat field.
Sometimes, I sit alone,
thinking about all my brothers,
among the wheat in May:
Before my eyes is my hometown river
filled with smooth stones;
sunset always take the whole evening sky,
making the villages full of sorrow
on our mother earth.

Sometimes, I sit alone,
thinking about my brothers,
reciting our own peoms,
among the wheat in May...


The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

Please visit us for more extraordinary stories like this one.


50 发布小分队2008/5/23 20:12:00










Man trapped for 179 hours rescued by Shanghai firemen


May 20th, 2008, 10:40, Shanghai, by Wu Xuehua, Li Fu, Lu Yunfeng


At 1am on May 20th, after fighting for 16 hours, a rescue team made up of firemen from Shanghai, rescued Ma Yuanjiang, the vice-director of Yingxiuwan Power Plant of Yingxiu County, Wenchuan. He had been buried under the rubble of the office building for 179 hours. His survival is chalked down to yet another miracle.

Ma Yuanjiang was on the second floor of the 8-storey office building when the massive earthquake hit. The office building was reduced a pile of rubble on the ground by the earthquake and Ma Yuanjiang was trapped beneath it. Volunteers found Ma Yuanjiang buried under the rubble at 8 am of May 19th and immediately informed the Shanghai team nearby.


The rescuers promptly came over and rescue efforts were started.


As the pillars and concrete boards were thicker than normal, it was difficult to rescue Ma Yuanjiang. To ensure Ma Yuanjiang's safety and to prevent the rescue efforts adding to his pain, the rescuers utilized professional equipments such as air picks and hydraulic pressure pinchers. The rescue progressed slowly, chipping away the debris inch by inch under the threat of effluvium and aftershocks. These firemen were also working in a very narrow space and the hot weather added to their strain. Although it was very difficult, the Shanghai rescue team persisted. After hundreds of shifts, blocks of concrete were broken through and a tunnel nearly 10 metre long was dug. Ma Yuanjiang was finally freed safely.


At 9pm of May 19th, 11 hours after the rescue began, the rescuers saw Ma Yuanjiang for the first time. He was surprisingly conscious after being buried for 7 days and was able to drink the supplemented water they gave him.


After he was finally pulled out from the debris. Ma Yuanjiang was even able to clearly tell the rescuers his name, native place and the phone number of a relative. He was sent to the local medical treatment station by police after a general diagnosis and treatment by doctors waiting outside.


During the rescue process, residents, policemen and journalists that were in Yingxiu gathered around in anticipation of good news when the rescue work was at its final stages. The onlookers cheered applauded when Ma Yuanjiang was rescued.


The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

Please visit us for more extraordinary stories like this one.


51 发布小分队2008/5/25 13:12:00


??? 一个15岁的少年,在灾害来临之际,表现出非凡的冷静和勇气,短短2分钟的时间,他两次返回教室,带领7名同学月兑险。当他连抱带推把最后一个惊吓过度的女生送出教学楼时,楼梯在他的前方垮塌……这个少年名叫雷楚年,是彭州市磁峰中学初三三班的学生。目前,他是在彭州参与救援的人中年龄最小的一个。
??? 生死大营救
??? 跑出教室 又转身去救同学
??? 5月12日下午,那个刻骨铭心的时刻来临时,“我当时在走廊上,楼突然就晃起来了,老师就在喊,地震了,同学们,快跑!”磁峰中学一共两栋教学楼,雷楚年所在的这栋教学楼只有两层,每层四间教室,小雷的教室在二楼第二间,走廊大约10米长,两侧都有楼梯。老师一声喊之后,身手敏捷的雷楚年几步就冲到了一二楼之间的楼梯拐角处。就在这时,小雷迎面碰到了班主任陈冬老师,陈老师正从楼下往楼上冲,小雷意识到陈老师是要回去救还没跑下来的同学,便跟着陈老师跑回二楼。
  机智勇敢 救出同学后楼垮了
  跑到一半,小雷突然发现,跟着他下楼的只有6名同学,还少一个!“我赶紧又往楼上跑,结果她真的还留在教室。”留在教室的女孩叫欧静,是小雷的好朋友,由于惊吓过度,女孩蹲在门口一个劲地哭。“我去拉她, 她可能是吓傻了,怎么拉她都拉不动,我就干脆抱起她往楼下冲。”
  全程营救 陪着同学共渡难关
  当志愿者 给来救援的人带路
  四处奔波 要把老师同学都找到
??? 经过3天的努力,小雷已经基本掌握了全班同学的情况。“我们班53个人,7个受伤,1个死亡。我要把他们的情况全部记下来,他们的爸爸妈妈来找的时候就放心了”。现在,小雷又开始协助学校老师在各个灾民安置点登记全校师生的去向。他告诉记者,不管多辛苦,他一定要把学校里的所有同学和老师都找到,让他们都能与家人团聚。

52 发布小分队2008/5/25 13:12:00

15 year-old boy saves 7 classmates

A? 15-year-old boy demonstrated his bravery and coolness in face of danger. In just two minutes, he ran back to his classroom, and led 7 classmates out of danger. When he half-pushed, half-carried out a female classmate who was in shock, the entire building collapsed in front of their eyes.

His name is Lei Chu-nian,a student of Class 3 Grade 3 in Cifeng Middle School, Pengzhou city. Currently, he is the youngest rescuer in Pengzhou.

"I was in the corridor, and the building started shaking all of a sudden. Teacher was shouting, 'Earthquake! Run, kids, run!" He recalls that unforgettable moment on May 12th afternoon. Cifeng Middle School had 2 buildings, the building Lei Chu-nian was in had 2 floors, each floor had 4 classrooms. His class was in the second classroom on the upper floor. The corridor was about 10 metres long, and there were stairs on both ends of it. When he heart the teacher's shouts, Lei Chu-nian rushed down the stairs. Halfway down the stairs, he saw his homeroom teacher, Chen Dong, running up the stairs. Lei Chu-nian realized that the teacher was going back up to ?get the students who had yet to run out, and followed along.


Passing the first classroom, he paused to check. Everyone in the room had ran out. Entering his own classroom, he saw 7 classmates squatting at the corner of the room, next to the wall. "I ran in and shouted at them to follow me. It was shaking so violently that?we could hardly stand. I told them to hold on to the stair railings. A few seconds later, when the shaking lessened, we ran down."

On their way out, he realized that there were only 6 classmates following him. "I ran back up the stairs. She was indeed still in the classroom." The girl in the classrom was one of Lei Chu-nian's close friends, Ou Jing. She was crying by the door, too scared to move. "I tried to pull her out. Maybe she was too scared. I couldn't get her to move no matter how I pulled, so I just carried her up and ran down."

The 10 metres corridor seemed longer than anything at that moment, especially daunting for the boy who was not even 1.6 metres tall, carrying a classmate in his arms. The girl seemed to recover from her shock, and told him that she was able to run. Lei Chu-nian let her down, and? ran with her down the stairs. At this time, the ceiling boards have started to fall.

Realizing the danger, Lei Chu-nian shouted frantically for the girl to run faster. "I was behind her. When she ran down the last few steps, the stairs before me collapsed. I told her to go on ahead and get out of the building." More than half the staircase had collapsed, cutting off his way out. Lei Chu-nian turned and ran back to the second floor. "There's a tree right in front of the building. You could climb onto the tree from the corridor. When I went back up to look for Ou Jing, I thought that if we could not run down, I'll make her hold on to the tree and slide down." Gettingback to the second floor, Lei Chu-nian reached the tree and escaped out of the building. In just a few seconds after he had slid down the tree, the building collasped behind him.

The earthquake lasted for a few minutes. When it died down, the teachers and villagers who had gathered to help, rushed over to free the teachers and students trapped in the rubble. Lei Chu-nian followed them, despite sustaining an injury to his leg when he jumped from the tree. After 4 hours, all the trapped teachers and students were freed. Out of Cifeng Middle School's 642 students and teachers, due to their speedy evacuation, only 18 were seriously injured. 3 of these 18 later died in hospital due to the severity of their injuries.

At 7pm that day, Lei Chu-nian's mother arrived at the school. Seeing that her son was well, she burst into tears and wanted to bring him home. Lei Chu-nian refused to go, later explaining to the reporter, "I didn't want to go home. The parents of a lot of my classmates had not arrived. They have no idea how their family are. Knowing that my family was fine, I just wanted to stay with my classmates and encourage them through this difficult time."

Lei Chu-nian only left the school at noon the next day. He went home, after sleeping for a few hours, sneaked out and headed to sign up as a volunteer.

"There weren't a lot of volunteers that day. My task was to bring the rescuers around and help with moving of the supplies." That afternoon, he ran to and from the devastated towns. Lei Chu-nian is one of the youngest volunteers, making him easily recognisable to the Pengzhou rescue staff. He worked all the way till 5am the next morning, before going home to catch some sleep.

A few days later, Lei Chu-nian used his allowance to travel to the settlements and hospitals in Xindu, Xinfan and Chengdu, trying to find all his classmates and teachers.

After 3 days, he knew the whereabouts of every member in his class. "Out of the 53 students in my class, 7 were injured and 1 died. I made notes about each of them, so I could tell their parents and put their minds at ease." Now, he has started to assist his teachers in searching for all the students and teachers in the school. He told the reporter, no matter how difficult it is, he wanted to find everybody from the school, and bring them home again.


The above story is translated by some volunteers

Life and Death, Love and Pain: Snapshots of Sichuan Earthquake

Get a closer, and more personal look at the extraordinary stories that transpired during the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake. These stories were originally written in Chinese, and translated by volunteers.

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53 淘耶2010/4/11 19:33:00

54 wu2yong3ji2010/12/14 19:21:00

55 xa2011/2/10 14:57:00




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