


楼主 FAN-GIRL2010/1/16 19:34:00

Ever wondered what the lives of the chosen ones are really like? Well, I'm going to tell you about the people who are born to it–those of us who have everything anyone could possibly wish for and who take it all completely for granted. Welcome to New York City's Upper East Side.It's a luxe life, but someone's got to live it. Even with a hangover, Fifth Avenue always looks so beautiful in the morning with the sunlight.


K with his mother, arguing in a taxi in front of Takashimaya. P enjoying a joint on the steps of the Met. R buying new school shoes at Barneys. And a familiar, tall boy emerging from a New Haven line train in Grand Central Station. Approximate age, seventeen. Could it be? A is back?!



Yes, A is back from boarding school. His hair is longer. His eyes have that deep mysteriousness of kept secrets. He is wearing the same old fabulous clothes. This morning A's laughter echoed off the steps of the Met, where we will no longer be able to enjoy a quick smoke and a cappuccino without seeing his waving to us from his parents' apartment across the street. He has picked up the habit of biting his fingernails, which makes us wonder about him even more, and while we are all dying to ask him why he got kicked out of boarding school, we won't, because we'd really rather he had stayed away. But A is definitely here.

Just to be safe, we should all synchronize our watches. If we aren't careful, A is going to win over our teachers, eat the last olive, have sex in our parents' beds, spill Campari on our rugs, steal our sisters' and our girlfriends' hearts, and basically ruin our lives and piss us all off in a major way.

I'll be watching closely. I'll be watching all of us. It's going to be a wild and wicked year. I can smell it.

2 = =2010/1/16 20:04:00



R=C ?


3 FAN-GIRL2010/1/16 20:08:00



4 = =2010/1/16 20:14:00


5 = =2010/1/16 20:15:00

呕漏 表以为你是外国人就可以这么得瑟了



6 = =2010/1/16 20:17:00

hope lz will not drop this novel, so i can improve my english

7 = =2010/1/16 20:17:00

BC派 飘


8 = =2010/1/16 20:18:00

AK and RP?

9 = =2010/1/16 20:19:00

k=B,P=N,A=S,who's D?

10 = =2010/1/16 20:20:00





11 = =2010/1/16 20:22:00


12 FAN-GIRL2010/1/16 20:28:00

本文由原著小说改编,lz不是外国人,也是为了improve English.

WHO IS? D/V?????????? ----IT? DEPENDS ON YOU.

13 = =2010/1/16 20:29:00


14 = =2010/1/16 20:30:00


可以的话请PM 有MJ不果奔

15 = =2010/1/16 20:32:00


16 TL2010/1/16 21:23:00

i need fy...

17 FAN-GIRL2010/1/16 21:23:00



18 = =2010/1/16 21:33:00

LZ,go on.
我也需要improve English

19 ==2010/1/16 21:46:00

i wanna improve my English too =3=

already read this novel, most forgotten T T, looking forwad to LZ

20 FAN-GIRL2010/1/16 21:57:00

I watched Nickelodeon all morning in my room so I wouldn't have to eat breakfast with them,” Kazuya told his two best friends and Constance Billard School classmates, Teppei Koike and Yuichi Nakamaru. “My mother cooked him an omelet. I didn't even know she knew how to use the stove.”

Kazuya tucked his hair behind ears,“What shows did you watch?” Koike asked, Who cares?” Kazuya took another gulp of drink. The only way to tolerate the thought of his mother sleeping with that man was to get drunk–very drunk.

The man ? Kazuya was so upset about was Johnny, his mother's new boyfriend. At that very moment Johnny was standing on the other side of the living room, greeting the dinner guests. He looked like someone who might help you pick out shoes. He had a loud laugh and was very sweet to Kazuya's mother. But he wasn't Kazuya's father. Last year Kazuya's father ran off to France with another man. No kidding. They live in a chateau and run a vineyard together. Which is actually pretty cool if you think about it.

Of course none of that was Johnny 's fault, but that didn't matter to Kazuya. As far as Kazuya was concerned, Johnny was a completely annoying, short, loser. But tonight Kazuya was going to have to tolerate Johnny, because the dinner party his mother was giving was in his honor, and all the Kamenashis' family friends were there to meet him: the Nishikido family and their son RyoCaptain and Mrs. Yamashita and their daughter Tomohisa . The only ones still missing were Mr. and Mrs. Akanishi whose teenage daughter, ?Yuu and sonJin, were both away at school.

Outside the kitchen, Kazuya was the one getting sloppy. And if Johnny didn't stop harassing his girlfriend, he was going to have to go over there and spill his scotch all over his tacky Italian loafers. You and Kazuya have been going out a long time, am I right?” Johnny said, punching Tomohisa in the arm. He sleep with you yet?” Tomohisa turned redder than the upholstery on the eighteenth-century French chaise next to her.

21 我爱GG2010/1/16 21:59:00



大家一起improve our English

22 = =2010/1/16 22:41:00


23 = =2010/1/17 19:36:00

Captain and Mrs. Yamashita and their daughter Tomohisa

He sleep with you yet?


24 = =2010/1/17 19:48:00


25 FAN-GIRL2010/1/20 19:08:00

Well, we've known each other practically since we were born,” She stuttered. “But we've only been going out for like, a year. you know, we don't want to ruin it before we're ready.” Tomohisa said. Let me give you some advice,” Johnny told her, He absolutely want youYou know what I mean?” Tomohisa nodded, she tried to remember the last timeI love you” Kazuya told her breathilyalthough she wasn't exactly sure if it was true or not.

What are you two talking about?” Kazuya's mother asked, sidling up to ?Tomohisa and squeezing Johnny's hand. Sex,” Johnny said, giving her a wet kiss on the ear. Oh!” Kazuya's mother squealed, she? was wearing the cashmere dress that she wouldn't have fit into a year ago. She does look thinner,” Kazuya heard Mrs. Nishikido whisper to Mrs. Tatsuya. The room was abuzz with snatches of gossip about Kazuya's mother and Mr. Johnny .From what Kazuya could hear, his mother's friends felt exactly the same way he did, although they didn't exactly use words like annoying, short, or loser.

Suddenly Kazuya was starving, but he knew nothing about what he wanted. I'll be right back,” Kazuya told Teppei Koike and Yuichi Nakamaruhe whirled around and began to walk across the room to the front hall. He was going to put on His coat, go outside, have another drink, and then come back, have sex with Tomohisa .

Where are you going?” Koike called after him. But Kazuya didn't stophe headed straight for the door. Tomohisa saw Kazuya coming and extracted herself from Johnny and Kazuya's mother just in time.Kazuya?” she said. What's up?”Kazuya stopped and looked up into Tomohisa ' s beautiful eyes. I have to talk to you,” Tomohisa said. something was about to happen? Suddenly kazuya's mother's voice rang out, loud and clear, down the hallway. Akanishi Jin! What a lovely surprise!” Kiss, kiss, kiss! ?A really come back!

26 FAN-GIRL2010/1/20 20:12:00

I know you weren't expecting Jin, dear,” Mrs. Akanishi whispered in a concerned, confidential tone. “I hope it's all right.” Of course. Yes, it's fine,” Mrs.Kamenashi said. “Did you come home for the weekend, Jin?” No, I'm here to–” Jin started to say. Jin has decided that boarding school is not for him,” Jin's mother interrupted hastilyas if it were no big deal. Jin will be back at Constance tomorrow,” Mr.Akanishi said, glancing at his son. Well, Jin. You look great, dear. Kazuya will be thrilled to see you,” Kazuya's mother trilled. You're one to talk,” Jin said, hugging her. “Look how skinny you are! And the house looks so fantastic. Wow. You've got some awesome art!” Mrs. Kamenashi smiled, obviously pleased, and wrapped her arm around Jin's long waist.

Darling, I'd like you to meet my special friend, Johnny,” she said. “Johnny, this is Jin.” Stunning,”Johnny boomed. Jin and Kazuya are best, best, best friends,”Mrs.Kamenashi explained to Johnny. But Jin went away for summer travelingnow you're backKazuya will be so pleased. Kazuya couldn't very well stand there and say nothing. That would be too obvious. It all happened very . . . suddenly,” he said mysteriously. Jin looked at Kazuyawhen Kazuya was only inches away from him. Hey Kazuya,” Jin said excitedly. I'm so sorry I didn't call you before I came back. Kazuya's face heated up. Tomohisa noticed the tension, Kazuya wasn't even looking at her. It was a chilly moment. Not the kind of moment you'd expect to have with your oldest, closest friends.

27 = =2010/1/21 11:47:00


28 FAN-GIRL2010/1/21 20:53:00

Shit, Jin thought. Well, you missed a lot,” Kazuya said. I wish I'd been here,” Jin said, watching Kazuya. he waited for Kazuya to smile gratefully for covering for him, but all Kazuya did was glance at Koike and Nakamaru. All of them were silent for a long, tense moment. Mrs. Akanishi joined them, touching her son's arm, Jin,” she said, I would like you all to sit down.” Jin cast an glance at Kazuya, but Kazuya had already turned away and was headed for the table, sitting down next to his girlfriend Tomohisa,who kown he really didn't feel like talking now.

Hello? Jin?” Ryo said, nudging his friend's arm. “Are you okay?”Jin glanced at Ryo, Yeah, I'm fine” Jin slurred.So, Jin, tell me about France. Your mother says you were in the South of France this summer. Is it true the French girls don't wear tops on the beach?”Ryo asked. Yes, it's true,” Jin said,he raised one eyebrow playfully,“Swear to God ,it was absolutely heavenly. Jin was one of those boys you look at and while you're looking at them, you know they're thinking, that girl can't take her eyes off me because I'm so hot. He couldn't help looking hot, he was just born that way. The whole Akanishi family was like that.

Mrs. Yamashita giggled, You haven't changed,Jin. Do you have a girlfriend there?” Oh, come on, I'm all booked up for this month.”Jin said.He was barely listening to them anymore. His eyes scanned the people he wanted to see most,Kazuya. Hey, you are still totally together, Tomohisa?”Can you believe it? I guess I'm still not used to him.” Tomohisa said plaintively. Let me give you a hand,” Jin offered. No, thanks”Kazuya stood up suddenly and straight into the toilet.

29 = =2010/1/21 21:00:00


30 FAN-GIRL2010/1/21 21:15:00


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